Chapter 5 The Damned Drop Rate

Soon, seeing that the wild boar's HP was low, Sunshadow stopped running and turned to attack it.

In just a few minutes, the wild boar let out a miserable cry and fell to the ground, dead.


[System Prompt: You have killed Red-eyed Boar. Obtained 20 EXP.]



[Upon the first monster kill, the system rewards you with 10 bottles of potions. Please check your inventory for details. Enjoy your game!]

Harry opened his inventory and found 5 bottles of Health Potion and 5 bottles of Mana Potion.

[Basic] Small Health Potion

[Description: Description: Restores 100 Health points over time.]

[Usage Condition: None]


[Basic] Small Mana Potion 

[Description: Increases Mana by 100 points over time.]

[Usage Condition: None]

Seeing that he still had 40 points of Mana remaining, Harry didn't rush to consume the potions. As for the 5 attribute points the system gifted him, he decided not to allocate them for now. He preferred to wait until after changing classes to consider where to allocate them. After all, making a wrong choice now would only lead to regrets later on.

Sunshadow groped around the wild boar and then came to Harry and Moonshadow's side.

"There's nothing. The drop rate of this game is extremely low. We've been fighting for quite a while, but only three copper coins dropped. As for the equipment…" Sunshadow smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Harry wasn't naive. Just by looking at the other players around him, he could tell that they had been fighting these boars for a long time, yet they still had beginner-level equipment. It was evident that the drop rate in this game was low.

On the other hand, Harry started to think that if a piece of equipment did drop, it would undoubtedly be highly sought after. With over 200 million players, there was a chance he could actually make some money in the game.

"If the little beauty and I give you all the Health Potions, and you guys give me all the Mana Potions, this way, we won't be short of Potions for a short period." Harry pondered for a moment and said with a smile.

Whenever a player killed a monster for the first time, the system would reward them with 10 bottles of potions.

Based on the current state of the team, Harry was low on Mana, Sunshadow was low on health, and Moonshadow didn't seem to lack anything. So, it would be beneficial for both sides to exchange potions. This way, we won't have to worry about running out of Mana or health.

Hearing Harry call her little beauty, Moonshadow hurriedly lowered her head, her face turning red.

"F*ck, why didn't I think of that!" Hearing Harry's words, Sunshadow reacted immediately. He had been worried about the potions. After all, if the potions were used up, it meant that the three of them could not continue to kill monsters here. However, the method that Harry had mentioned was an effective solution to this situation.

Without hesitation, Sunshadow immediately sent a trade request to Harry.

"Player Sunshadow has requested to trade with you. Do you accept?"

After Harry agreed, a trade interface appeared. He placed his 5 bottles of Health Potion on the trade window, and Sunshadow placed his Mana Potions as well. Both parties clicked "confirm" and the trade was successful.


The three of them exchanged potions. Harry looked at his backpack. He had 15 bottles of small Mana Potion, which would allow him to cast many Fireball spells. 

With everything in order, following their previous strategy, Sunshadow attracted the monster's attention while Harry and Moonshadow attacked from afar. dealt ranged damage from a distance. As their coordination became more seamless, their monster-killing speed increased.

Harry glanced at his experience bar. Each boar provided 20 experience points, and he needed 100 points to level up. In other words, by defeating four boars, he would reach level 2.


After over ten minutes, Harry's body flashed with white light as he reached Level 2.

[Name: Savion]

[Class: Mage]

[Secondary Class: None]

[Level: 2]

[EXP: 0/300]

[HP: 110]

[MP: 120]

[Physical Attack: 1]

[Magic Attack: 2]

[Physical Defense: 2]

[Magic Defense: 2]

[Stamina: 1]

[Reputation: 0]

[Remaining Attribute Points: 10]

His attributes didn't change much, but his Mana had increased by 20 points. He could now cast two more fireballs. Harry felt that it was quite good.

However, between Level 2 and Level 3, it required 300 experience points. In other words, he needed to kill 15 wild boars to level up. This experience requirement was too high.

After leveling up, Harry looked at his inventory. He still had 11 bottles of potions, enough to kill 15 Red-eyed Boars.

"After leveling up " Sunshadow checked his experience and chuckled, saying, "A few more boars, and I'll level up too."

"Let's keep it up! " Harry smiled.

Without wasting any more words, the three of them resumed their boar farming. With Harry's increased level, their farming speed naturally became much faster. With two or three fireballs, combined with Moonshadow's wooden arrow attacks and Sunshadow's occasional strikes, they could easily kill a boar. 

However, the drop rate left Harry speechless. It was even lower than he had imagined. After killing more than 10 boars, they only obtained three copper coins. 

Looking at the single copper coin that Sunshadow had traded over, Harry smiled bitterly. He knew that 100 copper coins equaled 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins equaled 1 gold coin. It would take such a long time to accumulate just one gold coin.

Harry summarized the game so far. Not only were equipment drops difficult, but money was also scarce. Even the quests seemed somewhat misleading. After searching for hours, they couldn't find anything the village chief had asked for. 

Shaking his head, Harry collected his thoughts and looked at his experience points: 160/300. He only needed to farm 7 more boars to level up.


Harry waved his staff, and a fireball flew out, instantly hitting the boar in the distance. With a miserable cry, the boar fell to the ground and died.

"Swoosh swoosh"

"Swoosh swoosh"

Two white lights appeared, Moonshadow and Sunshadow both leveled up to level 3 at the same time.

"Hey Bro, how much experience do you need to level up?" Sunshadow checked his attributes and turned to Harry.

"I'm still short of experience points of 6 boars." Harry looked at his experience bar and replied.

Sunshadow nodded and turned around to walk toward the other Red-eyed Boar.


Time passed. As the three of them continued to kill boars, Harry's level quickly reached level 3, and his attributes increased again.

Some players saw that Harry's team was extremely efficient in killing monsters and wanted to join the team. However, they were all rejected by Sunshadow. After all, one more person meant less experience they would obtain. Therefore, their team did not need anyone else at all. For killing the boars, the three of them were enough.

As more and more players gathered around, the system struggled to keep up with the respawn rate, and sometimes it was even difficult to find monsters.

"How about we go check out the next monster area?" Sunshadow turned to Harry and suggested.

Harry glanced around and saw the increasing number of players. The boar area was almost overcrowded. If they continued farming there, their leveling speed would significantly decrease. Besides, with the strength of the three of them, they were already capable of taking on other types of monsters.

"Alright." Harry nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Harry agreed, Sunshadow put away his weapon, and the three of them walked forward.