Chapter 8 The Boy

Time passed slowly as the three of them spent several hours here, and Harry's experience skyrocketed. Finally, as the poisonous Venom Snake in front of them was killed, the system prompt sounded.


[System Prompt: Congratulations, you have leveled up. You are now Level 4.]


Harry felt a sense of joy in his heart. He quickly opened the attribute panel and discovered that his attributes had slightly increased.

"Congratulations!" Sunshadow returned from beside the Venom Snake's corpse, seeing a white light flash around Harry, and smiled.

Harry smiled but didn't say anything.

"Hey Bro, judging by your appearance, you must be an experienced gamer," Sunshadow observed Harry closely and said.

Since Harry joined the team, Sunshadow had secretly observed him. He noticed that Harry had extremely fast reaction speed and decisive accuracy when killing wild boars, never missing a single attack. 

Moreover, Harry's mind was sharp, evident from the way he exchanged potions with them.

In addition, when they entered the forest and immediately saw the giant wolf, he reminded Sunshadow and Moonshadow to retreat quickly. 

Harry's calm and composed demeanor in critical situations made Sunshadow believe that Harry was definitely an experienced gamer.

Upon hearing her brother's words, Moonshadow, curious as well, looked up at Harry.

Harry's expression revealed a tinge of reminiscence, and after a moment, he nodded gently.

"I can be considered an old player," Harry answered.

"I knew it!" Sunshadow grinned in response.

"What about you two?" Harry smiled and asked. Their names were quite similar, so they were likely a couple. Thinking about how he had held the hand of a pretty girl earlier, Harry looked at Sunshadow and couldn't help but feel a bit guilty inside.

"I am, to some extent. As for Moonshadow next to me, she's my younger sister. She has an introverted personality, rarely plays games, seldom speaks, and rarely interacts with people. It was under my strong insistence this time that she agreed to come and play," Sunshadow explained, smiling at his sister.

Upon hearing this, Harry was somewhat surprised and couldn't help but turn his head to take a look at the little beauty. He had known about her personality for a long time, but he didn't expect her to be Sunshadow's sister. It was a bit unexpected for him.

As Harry stared at her, Moonshadow felt a bit uneasy. Her face turned slightly red, and she quickly hid behind her brother.

"Harry, how many bottles of potions do you have left?" Sunshadow asked.

"Four bottles left," Harry checked his inventory and replied.

"I have three bottles left. It seems we can continue grinding for a while. How about we go back when we run out of potions?" Sunshadow looked at Harry and suggested.

"Okay," Harry nodded.

After discussing their plan, they didn't waste any time, and Sunshadow continued to move forward to search for monsters.


And so, the three of them spent several hours grinding in the area infested with Venom Snakes until they ran out of potions.

Although it was monotonous, none of them showed any signs of exhaustion on their faces. Instead, they felt a bit regretful that they didn't have enough potions. If they had more, they could have continued grinding.

Before entering the game, Harry had been told by the little fairy that one real-life day was equivalent to three days in the game. Initially, he found it hard to believe, but after entering the game, he realized that although the time scale was different, the sensory experience was the same.

Looking at his experience points, which were 100 points away from reaching Level 4, Harry felt a bit regretful. But there was nothing he could do. Without potions, they couldn't continue grinding. It wouldn't be worth it if they lost 50% of their experience due to an unexpected accident.

"Let's go back," Harry turned to Sunshadow and said.

Sunshadow nodded, and the three of them retraced their steps.

On their way back, they saw groups of players everywhere. Harry couldn't help but be amazed at the terrifying number of players, and it was still increasing.

Back in the small village, after Sunshadow greeted Harry, he left with his sister.

Looking at the players still searching for the village chief in the village, Harry shook his head. It seemed that the village chief hadn't been found yet. This quest was a bit too troublesome, considering the game had just started, and time was extremely valuable. Everyone was being held back by this quest.

Harry checked his backpack and found that he had 26 copper coins. He decided to go to the weapon shop to see if he could buy a staff.

Having explored the entire village before, Harry was very familiar with the path, and he quickly arrived at the entrance of the weapon shop.

Entering the weapon shop, Harry noticed that there wasn't a single player inside. It seemed deserted, probably because the drop rates in the game were low, and no one had much money to come and buy weapons yet.

However, Harry didn't know that with his 26 copper coins, he was already considered a small rich person. There were even some players who didn't know what a copper coin looked like.

"Warrior, can I help you with anything?" a burly middle-aged man approached Harry and greeted him as he entered the shop.

Seeing the strong weapon shop owner in front of him, Harry realized that every NPC had a certain level of intelligence, and it was impossible to deceive them.

"I want to see the weapons," Harry said.

"Warrior, these are all the weapons we have in this shop," the weapon shop owner replied, and a list appeared in Harry's mind.

The list displayed various weapons for different classes. Harry didn't bother looking at other weapons and went straight to the mage weapons.

[Rough] Rough Wooden Staff

[Level Requirement: Level 1]

[Magic Attack: +1]

[Purchase Price: 50 copper coins]


[Normal] Ordinary Wooden Staff

[Level Requirement: Level 1]

[Magic Attack: +2]

[Purchase Price: 1 silver coin]


[White] Blackwood Staff

[Level Requirement: Level 5]

[Magic Attack: +10]

[Purchase Price: 1 gold coin]


"Hey, Warrior... don't go, don't leave. We still have other equipment in the shop!" The weapon shop owner shouted after the warrior who quickly ran out. He scratched his head, feeling very puzzled. Why did every warrior who came in take a quick look and then run away in fear?

Harry's face darkened as he ran out of the weapon shop. He took a breath and ignored the shouts of the weapon shop owner, quickly leaving.

This was too much. What the hell was this? A normal wooden staff would cost 1 silver coin. How was this any different from robbery? Harry cursed in his heart. Especially with the drop rate of this game, how long would it take to get 1 silver coin? No wonder there was no one in the weapon shop when he entered.


Harry suddenly thought of something and stopped in his tracks. He was stunned on the spot.

"I seem to have overlooked something!" Harry frowned slightly as he tried to recall. Gradually, his breathing became rapid.

"There seems to be a child in the weapon shop." Harry carefully recalled that when he entered the weapon store, he found a boy hiding in the corner of the fire.

At that time, Harry had only taken a casual glance and didn't pay much attention to it. However, after thinking about it carefully, he realized that something was wrong.

The child was dressed better. He was thin and had a clean face. Compared to the appearance of the weapon shop owner, he did not look like him at all. Harry guessed in his heart that the child…It was very likely that he was not the son of the weapon shop owner.

It didn't matter whether it was true or not. That wasn't the main point. The main point was that the little boy's behavior was a little abnormal. He was actually curled up behind the stove as if he was hiding from something.

Harry was shocked. Could it be a hidden mission?

Without hesitation, Harry was excited and turned around. He had to find out what the kid was doing.