Chapter 9 There Is No Return Without Contribution

When he returned to the weapon shop, the shop owner came up to greet him warmly. Harry ignored him and scanned the surroundings. However, he discovered that the little boy was nowhere to be found.

"Impossible!" Harry's heart skipped a beat. He clearly saw the little boy crouched by the fireplace and even made eye contact with him.

Carefully observing every corner, Harry didn't overlook any spots. But as he searched meticulously, he realized that the boy seemed to have vanished into thin air, within just a few minutes.

"Sir, where's the boy?" Harry turned around to look at the weapon shop owner, putting on a smile to appear more amiable.

"You mean the village chief's grandson?" The middle-aged man waved the hammer in his hand, seemingly a bit displeased that the other person wasn't here to buy weapons.

"The village chief's grandson?" Harry was stunned. No matter how stupid he was, he could guess something.

"Where is he?" Harry quickly asked, thinking that this might be a clue to finding the village chief.

"I haven't opened for business today. I'll tell you if you buy a weapon." The weapon shop owner said.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]"

[Quest Name: [Unique] Purchase Weapon from the Weapon Shop]

[Completion Condition: Purchase a weapon]

[Quest Reward: None]

[Quest Description: Please purchase a weapon of your choice at the weapon shop in the beginner's village.]


"I decline!" 

Harry's face darkened. After all, it was considered a hidden quest, but there were no rewards, and he had to pay out of his own pocket. Besides, where would he get so much money? Even the cheapest weapon cost 50 copper coins.

Of course, Harry didn't reject it blindly. He had thought it through. Since he was able to see the little boy before, it meant he could see him again. 

As for why the little boy disappeared, perhaps it was due to the system's settings. Maybe the little boy would appear every few minutes, and as long as Harry waited inside the weapon shop, the little boy would surely reappear. There was no need to waste money; after all, he had worked hard for several hours to earn it.

After Harry rejected the quest, the weapon shop owner ignored him and went back to hammering the weapons by the fireplace.

Harry found a spot and sat down, deciding not to go anywhere and stay in the weapon shop until the boy appeared.

Time passed, and soon, two hours quickly went by. During that time, many players came in, but they were all scared away by the prices of the weapons and hurriedly left. As for Harry, they only glanced at him briefly and didn't pay much attention to him.

Another hour passed. After three whole hours, Harry finally couldn't take it anymore. This was too strange. This was too strange. He had waited for such a long time and still hadn't seen a trace of the boy.

Could it be that he really had to buy a weapon from the weapon shop owner? But he had clearly seen the little boy before, which meant he didn't need to purchase a weapon to see him.

Even if he accepted the weapon shop owner's quest now, he didn't have enough money. Harry frowned, feeling that this game was so damn deceitful.


Suddenly, Harry's eyes lit up as he t came up with an idea. If he didn't have enough money, he could sell the weapon he had in his hand.

"Sir, I want to sell a weapon." Harry quickly came to the weapon shop owner and smiled.

"Oh, let me have a look," the weapon shop owner put down the hammer and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Ding!


[System Prompt: Please put the item you want to sell on the list.]

The system sound came, and a list appeared in Harry's mind. He took off the staff he had and placed it on the list. 

[Rough] Rough Wooden Staff

[Level Requirement: Level 1]

[Magic Attack: +1]

[Selling Price: 25 copper coins]


[System Prompt: Are you sure you want to sell?] 

"Yes!" Harry gritted his teeth and replied. The weapon shop was selling the same equipment for 50 copper coins, but he was selling it for half the price.


[System Prompt: Sale successful. Obtained 25 copper coins.]



[Lost Weapon: [Rough] Rough Wooden Staff]


Looking at the 51 copper coins in his backpack, Harry took a deep breath, hoping that this so-called hidden quest wouldn't be too much of a rip-off. If he didn't get any information about the boy, he would be left with nothing.

"Sir, I'm willing to buy a weapon." Harry smiled and said to the weapon shop owner.

"Really?" The weapon shop owner's face lit up with excitement. It seemed that he was thrilled that a warrior was finally buying a weapon from him.



[Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]"

[Quest Name: [Unique] Purchase Weapon from the Weapon Shop]

[Completion Condition: Purchase a weapon]

[Quest Reward: None]

[Quest Description: Please purchase a weapon of your choice at the weapon shop in the beginner's village.]



After Harry accepted the quest, he spent 50 copper coins to purchase a Rough Wooden Staff from the weapon shop owner.


[System Prompt: Congratulations, quest completed.] 

[Quest Name: [Unique] Purchase Weapon from the Weapon Shop ]

[Completion Condition: Completed]

[Quest Reward: None]


After submitting the quest, the weapon shop owner seemed particularly happy, with a wide smile on his face that he couldn't hide, leaving Harry speechless.

"Warrior, this is the first time I've sold one of my weapons. I want to thank you!" The weapon shop owner's expression became serious as he slightly bowed to Harry to express his gratitude.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]"

[Quest Name: [Unique] Gift from the Weapon Shop Owner]

[Completion Condition: None]

[Quest Reward: Any equipment from the weapon shop]

[Quest Description: Please go to the weapon shop in the beginner's village and choose any piece of equipment from the weapon shop.]


"What the hell!" The system prompt startled Harry. What was going on? The contrast between before and after was too great, making it truly bewildering.

"Yes, accept!"

"Warrior, please choose a weapon as my gratitude," the weapon shop owner said with a serious expression.

As soon as the weapon shop owner's words fell, a list of weapons appeared in Harry's mind.

There was no need to ask. Harry naturally chose the most expensive one.

[White] Blackwood Staff

[Level Requirement: Level 5]

[Magic Attack: +10]



[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Gift from the owner of the weapon shop.]



[System Prompt: Obtained item: [White] Blackwood Staff.]


Looking at the White Quality staff on the inventory, Harry was excited. This was a White Quality equipment. One had to know that the drop rate of this game was so high that some players had not even seen copper coins before.

Harry felt as if a windfall had fallen on him.

"Sir, can you tell me where the child is?" Harry suppressed the excitement in his heart and hurriedly asked.

"Warrior, please follow me." After the weapon owner finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the house.