Chapter 11 Invite Trouble Upon Himself

The player called LCG-Heaven didn't even look at Harry. It seemed like in his eyes, individual players like Harry were considered to have a very low status. They were players without influence and power, the bottom-tier type of players in the game. He didn't pay any attention to him and completely ignored him.

Harry remained calm and he didn't say anything. He carefully looked at LCG-Heaven. He was a Mage, with an arrogant expression. The staff in his hand was not a beginner's weapon either. Harry could tell at a glance that this person had a powerful force backing him.

Behind LCG-Heaven stood a female player who was young, tall, and beautiful. She had an attractive appearance, but her behavior was flirtatious, and she leaned closer to LCG-Heaven, allowing him to touch her continuously.

Harry remained silent and stepped back, making way for them.

Several players witnessed this scene without any surprise. After all, the player LCG-Heaven was the younger brother of the leader of the Lord Commander of God Clan. Anyone who had been played games in recent years would know about it. It would be strange if they did not retreat when they encountered him.

Provoking the CG-Heaven was equivalent to provoking the entire Lord Commander of God Clan. Once a wanted order was issued, they would hunt you down wherever you went, unless you stopped playing the game.

As for the girl, she had a disdainful expression and even looked at Harry with a hint of disgust.

"Hey Bro, is there anything I can help you with?" LCG-Heaven crouched down and showed a gentle smile as he looked at Arthur, inquiring.

"Who are you? I don't know you." Arthur replied LCG-Heaven with a panicked expression, just like how he had answered Harry earlier. 

"I can see that you haven't eaten for days. What would you like to eat?" LCG-Heaven, unhurriedly, asked.

"Who are you? I don't know you."

"We'll get to know each other slowly. What do you want? I can give it to you or help you find it."

"Who are you? I don't know you."

"How about this girl next to me? Do you want me to give her to you?"

"Who are you? I don't know you."


The other players didn't dare to approach and stood by, watching. After more than ten minutes, LCG-Heaven still hadn't Managed to get anything out of him, and he couldn't help but become angry.

"What the F*cking..." LCG-Heaven stood up and viciously pinched a certain part of the girl next to him. If it weren't for the system's strict punishment for attacking NPCs, he would have used a fireball spell to send this NPC to hell long ago. He felt like he had wasted more than ten minutes of his time.

The girl let out a cry of pain when LCG-Heaven suddenly pinched her.

"Why are you screaming?" LCG-Heaven glared at the girl fiercely, scaring her into lowering her head and not making a sound.

Soon, LCG-Heaven scolded a few more words before leading the people behind him and leaving.

After seeing LCG-Heaven leave, Harry approached Arthur directly, remaining silent..

"Your mother sent me to find you," Harry looked at Arthur and said in a deep voice.

"What?" Arthur's panicked expression disappeared and was replaced by anxiety. He looked up at Harry and his body trembled.

This scene caught the attention of surrounding players, leaving them stunned and displaying expressions of disbelief. They were well aware that Arthur always wore a fearful expression when players approached him, but now his expression had changed.

"Damn, look at the NPC's expression. It seems to have changed!"

"F*ck, it really changed. I've been guarding here for a few hours, but the NPC's expression didn't change at all. What did that player say?"

"Could it be that the player has received a hidden quest?"


Everyone was discussing. LCG-Heaven, who was about to leave, frowned slightly when he heard the commotion. He stopped and turned around to look at Harry.

"Mom…" Arthur looked at the sky with a sorrowful expression and tears began to flow.

"Your mother is very worried about you. Why don't you go back?" Harry asked.

"I let Mr. Lee down. I brought his son, Morry, out to hunt. But we encountered a pack of wolves and I escaped, but Morry…He…" At this point, Arthur was miserable and started crying.

"Your mother is very worried about you. She doesn't know you're here yet." Harry understood why Arthur didn't go back and quickly said.

"Warrior, are you willing to do me a favor? Send this letter to my mother and tell her that I'm not dead. I'm still alive." Arthur wiped his tears and quickly took out a letter with trembling hands.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]

[Quest Name: [Unique] Help Arthur]

[Completion Condition: Deliver the letter to Mrs. Shaw]

[Quest Reward: 300 EXP]

[Quest Description: Find Mrs. Shaw in the village and give her the letter.]





[System prompt: Obtained item: Arthur's letter.]


"I'll give the letter to your mother," Harry promised.

"Thank you, warrior." Arthur wiped his tears and thanked him.

At the same time, the surrounding players exploded in disbelief.

"I saw it. That NPC gave him a letter."

"It must be a hidden quest."

"That player struck gold." 

"I just want to know what he said!"

The surrounding players stared in astonishment, their gazes fixed on Harry. Some were envious, some shocked, some puzzled, and others filled with regret.

Harry paid no attention to these players and quietly walked away. He needed to complete the quest as soon as possible and then inquire at other shops if they also offered something as a bonus for the first purchase, like the previous weapon shop owner.


A cold voice came from behind Harry, making him slightly furrow his brow and halt his steps.

Seeing Harry stop, LCG-Heaven was not surprised. Anyone who knew him would not dare to disobey his words, whether in the game or in reality.

LCG-Heaven smiled and slowly approached Harry, followed closely by his group of players, exuding an imposing manner.

The other players witnessing this scene quickly stepped aside, afraid of getting involved and incurring trouble. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little sorry for this player named Harry. In their eyes, he was just an ordinary solo player, how could he contend with such an extraordinary clan?

"What's wrong?" Harry said indifferently as he looked at LCG-Heaven.

This expression didn't sit well with LCG-Heaven. He felt a surge of anger, especially the indifferent tone in Harry's voice, which made him feel disregarded and unimportant. He could sense the slight disrespect and lack of concern towards him.

LCG-Heaven knew that he couldn't get angry in front of such a small character. Otherwise, if this got out, he would lose face. So he suppressed his anger and looked at Harry with an indifferent expression.

"Dude, tell me everything you know," LCG-Heaven casually spoke, his tone seemingly casual but unquestionable, as if implying that if Harry didn't comply, he would invite trouble upon himself.