Chapter 12 Can't Stand Getting Frustrated In The Game

LCG-Heaven's expression remained calm and casual as he spoke, but when it reached the ears of the onlookers, it sent a shiver down their spines. They felt a sense of oppression as if Harry refused to disclose everything would be seen as disrespectful to LCG-Heaven and invite severe punishment upon himself.

The crowd watched this scene in silence, their eyes fixed on Harry, waiting for him to say everything.

"Get lost."

Harry raised his head looked at LCG-Heaven and casually said a word with a smile.

Harry's voice wasn't loud, but all the surrounding players heard it. They were all stunned, and then their eyes widened as they looked at 'Savion' in disbelief.

This turn of events completely exceeded their expectations. They had thought that Savion would obediently explain the whole thing to gain LCG-Heaven's favor and leave himself an escape route. But Savion just lashed out with a "get lost." and a disdainful smile, which caused all of them to be shocked.

"You!" LCG-Heaven was momentarily stunned, his face filled with disbelief. He never imagined that Harry would respond this way. Throughout his life, be it in reality or the game, he had never experienced such humiliation. He had always been the one bullying others, and no one had dared to bully him.

"You're asking for trouble!" LCG-Heaven's face darkened. Frustration and anger had long consumed him, and now, in front of so many people, he couldn't hold back anymore. He raised his staff, ready to unleash a skill to attack Harry.


Witnessing this, the players accompanying him were alarmed and quickly stepped forward to stop him. 

They knew that engaging in PvP within the newbie village would result in severe punishment, banning them from the game for a week.

Being stopped by his companion players, LCG-Heaven instantly reacted. He realized the consequences of his actions within the game and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he hadn't acted. Otherwise, the repercussions would have been unimaginable.

No matter how stupid LCG-Heaven was, he understood that this was the early stage of the game, and time was extremely precious. If he were banned from the game for a week, he would not only fall behind others but also bring certain consequences to his own clan.

"Brat, I will remember you." LCG-Heaven's face was gloomy. After giving Harry a final glance, he remembered the name of the Savion firmly in his mind and turned away, leaving.

He vowed to avenge today's humiliation one day.

Watching LCG-Heaven and his group leave, Harry rubbed his nose. Surprisingly, they hadn't fallen for his act. It was a bit unexpected for him.

After all, someone like LCG-Heaven, who was naturally arrogant, would usually lose control when faced with such disregard and insult. However, he had managed to maintain composure, which surprised Harry.

Harry shook his head helplessly and left.

The onlookers quickly made their way as Harry departed, and only when he disappeared from their sight did they snap back to reality.

"He's too f*cking awesome. He's really bold!"

"Look at LCG-Heaven's frustrated face. Oh my, it's hilarious!"

"Well, this Savion player's gaming career is almost over."

"I think so too. After all, he offended someone he shouldn't have."


The surrounding players discussed among themselves. Some sighed, while others were excited. However, they remembered Savion, this player deeply.

Speaking of which, Harry truly didn't care about the other party. No matter how powerful their clan was, his reality was already miserable. He approached the game with a playful mindset, and he couldn't stand getting frustrated in the game. If worst came to worst, he could simply stop playing. It didn't matter to him at all.

Not long after, Harry returned to Mrs. Shaw's house and immediately noticed her sitting by the doorstep, wearing a worried expression.

"Warrior, have you found my son?" Mrs. Shaw asked anxiously when she saw Harry return.

"Madam, your son is still alive. This is the letter he asked me to give you." Harry smiled and took out an envelope from his inventory, handing it to Mrs. Shaw.


[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Help Mrs. Shaw.]

[Experience gained: 200]

[Item obtained: Tobacco pipe]



[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Help Arthur.]

[Experience gained: 300]



[System Prompt: Congratulations, you have leveled up. Reached Level 5.]


A series of system sounds rang out as Harry was enveloped in a white light. He had finally reached Level 5. He opened his inventory and looked at the tobacco pipe inside, feeling excited. He could finally go find the boy.

"Madam, is there anything else I can help you with?" Harry didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he looked at Mrs. Shaw and asked.

After reading the letter, Mrs. Shaw trembled slightly, and she carefully placed the envelope in her embrace before looking up at Harry.

"Warrior, thank you. Would you be willing to help me once again?" Mrs. Shaw's wrinkles had eased a lot now that she knew her child was still alive.

"I'm willing." Harry quickly nodded.

"In fact, Mr. Lee's son didn't die. Can you please find my son again and tell him the truth? Ask him to come back soon. His mother is waiting for him at home." Mrs. Shaw wiped away her tears and said.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept…]

[Quest Name: [Unique] Help Mrs. Shaw]

[Completion Condition: Tell Arthur the truth.]

[Quest Reward: 600 EXP]

[Quest Reward: 10 copper coins]

[Quest Description: Please go outside the village and see. Arthur might be there.]


Looking at the quest rewards, excitement surged in Harry's heart. He would gain 600 experience points and receive 10 copper coins as a reward. All he had to do was run some errands. It was an incredible welfare quest.

Soon, Harry came in front of Arthur once again After delivering the message, Arthur wiped his tears and hurriedly ran back home. The quest progressed smoothly, and at this point, it was finally completed.

Harry successfully obtained 600 experience points and 10 copper coins. He instantly reached level 6, with an additional 100 experience points. However, he still needed 900 more experience points to reach Level 7.

At the same time, no other players came to find the NPC Arthur anymore because he had disappeared, and no one knew what had happened. Only a few players could guess that the disappearance of this NPC was related to a player named Savion.

After completing this quest, Harry went to the weapon shop and handed the tobacco pipe to the boy.

Harry now felt that the boy's quest was probably related to finding the village chief. It was possible that completing the boy's quest would make the village chief appear.

Arriving at the weapon shop, the little boy wasn't there. Harry explained the situation to the weapon shop owner, who opened a wooden board, and the boy walked out.