Chapter 13 The Village Chief Has Finally Appeared

"This is the tobacco pipe you wanted." After seeing the little boy come out, Harry took out a tobacco pipe and handed it to the boy.

"Thank you so much. Now that Grandpa has a tobacco pipe, I can go home!" The boy took the tobacco pipe and said excitedly.


[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Help the boy.]

[Experience gained: 100]


Although it was only 100 experience points, it was much faster for Harry than leveling up by killing monsters. The round trip only took a few minutes, and he easily gained the experience without any danger.

"Warrior, can you deliver the tobacco pipe to my grandpa?" The little boy looked at Harry and asked.

"Sure." Harry felt delighted. The boy's grandpa was none other than the village chief. With this clue, he might be the first one to find the village chief.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]

[Quest Name: [Unique] Deliver the Tobacco Pipe]

[Completion Condition: Deliver the tobacco pipe to the village chief]

[Quest Reward: 200 Experience]

[Quest Description: The village chief is at home.]


"What? The village chief is at home? This…" Harry looked at the quest description and was instantly dumbfounded. The village chief's house had been searched throughout by other players. There was no sign of one person, let alone the village chief. However, the quest description hinted that the village chief was at home.


[System Prompt: The village chief has appeared. Complete the quest within one hour, or it will be considered giving up.]


The system sound repeated three times, leaving Harry speechless. At the same time, he realized that he had to accept the quest first for the village chief to appear.

No wonder all the players had searched the village and even outside before, but they couldn't find the village chief. 

Looking at the countdown behind the quest description, Harry didn't hesitate. He quickly left the weapon shop and sprinted towards the village chief's house.

After about ten minutes, Harry arrived at the village chief's house. He couldn't help but feel emotional. It turned out that he had to complete the quest to lure out the village chief. Those players who were still searching for the village chief were really unfortunate.

He pushed open the door and saw an elderly man with white hair sitting inside. He held a cane and looked exhausted. 

Harry used the Insight skill to confirm that he was indeed the village chief and quickly approached him.

"Village chief, your grandson asked me to give this to you." Harry took out the tobacco pipe.

"What?!" The village chief held the cane and his weathered hands trembled slightly. Instead of taking the tobacco pipe from Harry, he looked up at him.

"I've been looking for my grandson for days. Do you know where he is?" The village chief's voice was hoarse, filled with excitement.

"Yes, he accidentally broke your tobacco pipe and was afraid to come home. He asked me to deliver this tobacco pipe to you, hoping you can forgive him." Harry handed the tobacco pipe to the village chief again.

The village chief took the pipe and his body trembled.

"It's just a tobacco pipe. I didn't blame him. It's just that this child has had a strong sense of self-esteem since he was young... sigh... I never blamed him." The village chief shook his head and sighed, his face full of wrinkles, giving him a weathered appearance. 


[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Deliver the Tobacco Pipe]

[Experience gained: 200]


"Warrior, please help me tell my grandson that his grandpa never blamed him and asked him to come home early." The village chief looked up at Harry and pleaded.


[System Prompt: Hidden quest triggered. Do you accept?]

[Quest Name: [Unique] Deliver the Message]

[Completion condition: Deliver the grandfather's message to the boy.]

[Quest Reward: 1000 EXP]

[Quest Reward: Increase in village chief's favorability.]

[Quest Description: The boy is at the weapon shop.]



[System Prompt: After completing the quest, the village chief's location will be announced in this area. Please complete the quest within one hour, or it will be considered giving up.]


The village chief's location will be announced in the area? 

Harry pondered for a moment. It meant that once he completed this quest, the location of the village chief would be known to all players in this area. It meant that after searching for the village chief for several days, he had finally appeared!

As for the quest reward, the increase in the village chief's favorability was unspecified, but the experience reward was astonishing. It was 1000 points, which was extraordinary. It would take a long time to accumulate such experience by killing monsters. 

"Alright, Village Chief, please rest assured." After Harry finished speaking, he ran out of the village chief's house excitedly.

He needed to be faster, or once the system announcement came, the entire village would be crowded with people. 

Returning to the weapon shop once again, Harry delivered the village chief's message to the boy, who revealed a happy smile.


[System Prompt: Quest completed: [Unique] Deliver the Message]

[Experience gained: 1000]



[System Prompt: Your favorability with the village chief has increased. Experience rewards for all beginner village quests doubled.]



[System Prompt: Congratulations, you have leveled up. Your level is now 7.]


The system sounds came one after another, leaving Harry stunned. It turned out that increasing favorability with the village chief could double the experience rewards for all beginner village quests.

Of course, this was only limited to the quests in the beginner village. If all the quests' experience rewards were doubled, it would be incredible.


[System Prompt: Area announcement: The village chief has appeared at home.]


[System Prompt: Area announcement: The village chief has appeared at home.]


In the beginner village where Harry was, three consecutive system announcements were made. When all the players heard it, they immediately erupted with excitement.

"What? The village chief has appeared?" 

"Damn, how is it possible that he's at home? I even searched the toilet in his backyard, but there was no sign of anyone! "

"Forget it, hurry, hurry back to accept the quest!" 

"Damn it, he finally appeared! Bros, hurry up, or we won't be able to squeeze in later!" 

"F*ck, I was deceived! He wasted so much of my time!"


All the players quickly realized the situation and hurriedly rushed towards the village chief's house, including those who were outside grinding monsters to level up. They put away their weapons and ignored the low-health monsters right in front of them, turning around and rushing back to the village.

Of course, Harry had already known about all this. He was faster than anyone else. Just when the others were still in a daze, he had completed the quest and was already on his way. Not long after, he arrived at the village chief's house.