Chapter 19 Treasure-Picking Monkey

As Harry uttered those words, his face turned bright red with embarrassment because he didn't know how to dance at all.

However, the monkey in the distance seemed intrigued. It dropped the large pouch from its back and began jumping on the tree.

This scene instantly stunned Harry. He did not expect his hasty words to make the monkey start dancing.

Feeling awkward, Harry pretended to be an audience member, applauding and cheering. Occasionally, he would twist his own body a bit, but his purpose was solely to attract the Fire Monkey's attention.

After glancing around and realizing there were no other players nearby, Harry threw caution to the wind. He started jumping, stiffly, moving his body like a zombie, that was hard to bear.

But that wasn't the focus. The focus was that as Harry jumped and approached the monkey cautiously, the monkey was completely absorbed in its own dancing and didn't notice Harry's subtle movements.

In Harry's eyes, it seemed like the monkey really enjoyed dancing, twisting its whole body in an exaggerated manner.

They were getting closer and closer. With only about 30 feet of distance remaining, 

Harry was suddenly stunned by the monkey's next move.

He couldn't have imagined that the monkey would transform into a red blur and instantly appear in front of him. 

Perhaps thinking that Harry was too slow, the monkey showed a hint of disdain, daring to appear right in front of him.

Harry immediately held his breath as he looked at the monkey that was so close to him. His heart was pounding.

Harry didn't act rashly. Its speed was as fast as lightning, that impossible for the human eye to catch. Although they were only about 3 feet apart now, he had no confidence in capturing the monkey.

"Just a little closer!" Harry's mind trembled as he pretended to dance, slowly moving forward, extending his hands, hoping to dance with the monkey. Seeing Harry stretch out his hands, 

Seeing Harry reaching out his hands, the monkey ignored him and stepped back whenever Harry took a step forward, not giving him a chance to get closer.

Harry's face was filled with frustration. The monkey's intelligence was clearly not low. Continuing like this wouldn't lead to any solution. After all, if the monkey lost interest and ran away, what would he do?

A sudden attack?

This thought emerged in Harry's mind. Even if the attack missed and scared the monkey away, he couldn't afford to waste any more time. He could already see that the monkey had stopped dancing and was now sitting on the ground, staring at him with its eyes wide open.

Taking a gamble, Harry's heart flashed with determination as he started to spin in circles.

The purpose of spinning in circles was that 

Harry had observed the monkey earlier and noticed its tendency to mimic his actions. If the monkey also imitated the spinning motion, the moment it turned its back to him would be the perfect opportunity to strike.

As Harry's body spun in circles, the monkey became interested. It let out a squeak and began to imitate Harry.

"It really works." Harry felt delighted in his heart as he noticed the monkey imitating his actions. He maintained a calm expression while spinning and secretly observed the monkey.

After spinning a few times, Harry's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Now is the time!" Harry's eyes sharpened as he swiftly waved his finger, casting a fireball that instantly appeared and hurled toward the monkey.

The moment the fireball flew out, Harry's reaction was even faster. He also dashed forward, intending to grab the monkey in one fell swoop.

Harry's eyes turned red as he looked at the monkey who had yet to react. He exerted even more force, increasing his speed, and as he approached the monkey, he extended his hands and pounced forward.


The monkey in front of him turned into a red light and disappeared. Due to the excessive force, Harry couldn't stop his momentum and instantly fell to the ground, face covered in dirt, with a Damage number floating above his head.


"Oh no! My equipment." Harry had missed and fell, and the monkey disappeared.

"Chee Chee…Chee..."

In the distance, the monkey screamed in anger. Harry looked up and saw the monkey standing on a tall tree, baring its teeth and jumping around in a fit of rage. It was clearly frightened by what had just happened.

"I just accidentally fell just now. Come, let's continue dancing." Harry coughed and apologized.

"Chee ~!" After a few angry cries, the monkey ignored Harry and turned into a red light, disappearing.

Harry felt bitter as he watched the monkey leave. It was as if he was drained, both physically and emotionally. He sat on the ground and felt empty in his heart. It was very uncomfortable.

The equipment that he had obtained with great difficulty was all gone. Harry's face was filled with bitterness. Although he had approached the game with a playful attitude, anyone who lost his equipment in such a mysterious way left would feel extremely disappointed.

Experiencing such a roller coaster of emotions, Harry became disheartened. At the same time, he cursed the game company in his heart. It was just a beginner's village, yet they had created such a monstrous creature, and he happened to encounter it.

After a while, Harry sighed. If he had sold his equipment earlier, it would have been much better. He could have exchanged it for some money. Now, everything was gone, and he was left with only a pair of underwear.

Harry stood up and walked back. Despite feeling down, he didn't lose hope. The most important thing now was to figure out how to obtain a wooden stick, the beginner's gift weapon.

However, where to get it was a problem. Harry did not have a single copper coin on him, so it was impossible to buy it. Although he was Level 7 and could defeat Level 1 and Level 2 monsters to obtain drops, it would take a long time to gather 50 copper coins.

His friends on the friend list, Moonshadow and Sunshadow, weren't Mages. Otherwise, he could shamelessly ask them for some equipment once they upgraded.

After pondering for a while, Harry decided to go find the village chief. Hopefully, it would be a simple errand and not a monster-slaying quest, or else he would be in real trouble.

With his current state, he couldn't even defeat a wild boar, let alone join a team. He felt like nothing but a burden.

However, just as Harry was dejected and walking back, a sudden piercing scream came from behind him. The sound was extremely loud and echoed through the forest.

Harry suddenly turned his head. He was very familiar with this sound. It was the monkey's cry. However, the sound was different this time. It seemed that it had encountered some trouble and was crying out in misery.

Seeing the giant spider in front of him, Harry hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and headed toward the source of the sound.

Since he had nothing left now, it wouldn't matter even if he lost 50% of his experience points. 

Carefully maneuvering and avoiding the surrounding monsters, Harry walked for more than ten minutes. When he could no longer see the giant spider, he came across a massive cave.

The cave entrance was covered in tattered spider webs. Harry carefully looked at the entrance of the cave. He was very sure that the monkey's voice came from inside.

The entrance was completely sealed by spider webs, but there was a broken gap on its side, just enough for one person to enter.

Harry looked around. After confirming that it was safe, he entered the cave without hesitation.