Chapter 20 The Boss Cave

As Harry entered the cave, a foul stench immediately assaulted him, making him feel nauseous. But when he saw the scene before his eyes, his pupils involuntarily contracted.

He witnessed a fiery red monkey stuck in a massive spider web, and not far behind it was a giant spider, resembling a small mountain in size. It was terrifyingly large, entirely black with a purple hue, and its numerous legs were covered in barbed spikes, sending shivers down anyone's spine.

Harry swallowed hard. Even though he didn't use his insight ability, he knew he had encountered a Boss.

At the same time, the monkey also noticed Harry entering the cave. Its expression immediately turned panicked, but being trapped in the spider web, it couldn't break free and could only emit cries of despair.

The screams echoed in the cave and were extremely loud. They immediately attracted the These cries reverberated through the cave, growing exceptionally loud. They instantly caught the attention of the Spider Boss in the distance. The Spider Boss's body trembled slightly, and it slowly turned around, heading toward the monkey's location.

Seeing the s Spider Boss approaching, Harry was startled. While cursing inwardly, he quickly lay low on the ground and cautiously moved to the side, hiding in a dark corner.

As the Spider Boss gradually drew closer, the distance shrinking, Harry's heart pounded with fear, and cold sweat streamed down his face. If he were discovered, he wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

The Spider Boss was as enormous as a small mountain, causing the ground to tremble as it moved. Harry held his breath and didn't dare to make a sound.

Soon, the Spider Boss arrived in front of the spider web, finding the monkey stuck within it. It raised its head, sniffing a few times, appearing somewhat confused. Surprisingly, it ignored the monkey and turned around, leaving without noticing Harry hiding in the dark corner.

Seeing this scene, Harry was dumbfounded!

"What's going on? That spider completely ignored the monkey?" Harry was filled with disbelief. 

But later, Harry became overjoyed. It was actually a good thing. He had been worried that the Spider Boss would devour the monkey in one bite, and he couldn't retrieve his equipment. However, to his surprise, the Spider Boss completely ignored the monkey.

At the same time, Harry speculated that the monkey before him was definitely not ordinary. It could freely roam through other monster territories, plundering all monsters and players. It was simply inconceivable.

Most importantly, this despicable monkey, which Harry believed would be treated as an enemy by monsters and players alike, and be hunted down at all costs, was being disregarded. In Harry's eyes, the monkey being stuck in the spider web and unable to move was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

However, the scene in front of him was beyond Harry's expectations. However, now was not the time to think about it. The most important thing now was to get the equipment back. Moreover, the monkey was stuck on the spider web and could not move. In Harry's eyes, it was simply a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Harry took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement. Seeing the Spider Boss return, he cautiously moved forward, bending his waist. 

The monkey kept a close eye on Harry. When it saw Harry approaching, its expression became even more panicked, struggling and letting out a loud scream.

Harry was speechless and quickly retreated to his previous position because the monkey's scream once again attracted the Spider Boss.

Just like before, the Spider Boss came to the spider web, sniffed the monkey, lingered for a while, and then turned around and left, ignoring the monkey.

Harry saw the Spider Boss walk away and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He slowly continued forward, his eyes turning red as he stared intently at the retreating Spider Boss, afraid it might suddenly turn back.

The monkey witnessed this scene and let out another scream. Suddenly, the Spider Boss, who had just left, halted its steps and slowly turned around. 

Harry was terrified and quickly threw himself to the side, hiding on the ground, not daring to move.

Once again, the spider returned, unable to find Harry and ignoring the monkey. It hesitated for a moment before turning around and leaving again.

Harry heaved a sigh of relief and looked up at the monkey that was stuck to the net. He gritted his teeth in hatred. He really wanted to rush up and beat that monkey up. If it wasn't for it, he wouldn't have come to this damn place.

Harry carefully bent down and got up. He lowered his footsteps and slowly approached the monkey once more.

"Damn it!" Harry's face was filled with frustration as he quickly dodged to the side. 

The monkey let out another scream, once again attracting the Spider Boss.

"Again? What kind of BOSS is this? Doesn't it have any intelligence?" Harry was truly speechless. The Spider Boss had checked multiple times and should have known that the commotion was caused by the monkey.


After trying six or seven times, the Spider Boss seemed to have realized something and no longer paid attention to the monkey's screams. It slowly returned to the depths of the cave.

Seeing the Spider Boss leave, Harry wiped the sweat off his forehead and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Harry arrived in front of the monkey. Looking at the monkey's panicked expression, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. 

However, a problem arose. The monkey was stuck on a spider web about 5 or 7 feet high, and Harry couldn't reach it. Of course, he couldn't climb the web either, as he would end up getting stuck himself.

Thinking it over, Harry couldn't come up with a solution and began to feel anxious. 

The monkey seemed to have noticed Harry's helplessness and made squeaking sounds while wiggling its butt on the spider web as if to say,

"What can you do to me?"

After thinking for a long time, Harry's eyes suddenly lit up as if he had thought of something.

Ignoring the monkey's grimacing expression, he looked toward the distant Spider Boss and noticed that it was not moving. He took a deep breath.

"Since you have zero health, let me attack you and see." Harry stared at the monkey on the spider web and whispered.

Upon hearing Harry's words, the monkey was suddenly stunned. Then, its body began to struggle violently and let out a series of screams.

However, its screams had no effect as the Spider Boss in the distance completely ignored them.

Harry observed the monkey's reaction and felt a surge of excitement.

He had previously felt that something was off because besides having a particular skill, all of the monkey's attributes were at zero, which made no sense. In the game, both monsters and players die when their health reaches zero.

So, if the monkey's health is at zero, could it be invincible? 

Harry quickly dismissed this idea since the game developers wouldn't design it that way. Furthermore, it was unlikely that attacking the monkey would make its health go negative.

After pondering for a while, Harry couldn't figure it out completely but had a slight guess. He then tested the monkey with a sentence, and to his surprise, the monkey's reaction was so intense that he suddenly understood.

A fireball appeared in Harry's hand, and as he watched the struggling monkey, he didn't immediately attack.

It wasn't because he sympathized with the monkey but because this attack might attract the Spider Boss's attention. He had to come up with a foolproof plan; otherwise, even if he obtained the equipment, he might end up dropping it.

After contemplating for a moment and planning his escape route, Harry didn't hesitate. He swung the fireball in his hand and launched an attack directly at the monkey.