Chapter 25 Compete for the Faction Establishment Token

The appearance of several female players immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Everyone turned their heads to look at the approaching beauties, their minds filled with endless fantasies, and some even drooled in anticipation.

"That's the people of the Frostbite Clan."

"Wow, they're so beautiful. They're all goddesses!"

"The Frostbite Clan only recruits female players."


The surrounding players discussed among themselves. But Stormbringers-Jagger frowned as he looked at the beauties.

Harry looked over and saw that the leader was called Frostbite-ScarletRose, who was tall and beautiful. Ignoring the discussions of the surrounding players, she walked towards him.

"How about selling it to us?" Arriving in front of Harry, the corners of Frostbite-ScarletRose's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a charming smile.

She was indeed beautiful, but what Harry cared about the most was the 500,000 dollars.

"First come, first served!" Stormbringers-Jagger frowned and snorted.

"Oh, I was wondering who it was. So it's the famous general of Stormbringers Clan." A woman next to Frostbite-ScarletRose looked at Stormbringers-Jagger and chuckled. Her words were full of ridicule.

"But who this dude wants to sell to is his freedom. Could it be that the Stormbringers Clan wants to snatch it away?" The woman spoke again, causing the few women beside her to laugh.

"Before you, this dude had already decided to sell it to me." Stormbringers-Jagger snorted coldly. He knew very well the sharp tongues of these women. He could handle fighting, but when it came to verbal sparring, even ten of him couldn't win against them.

"Hey, handsome, how much did he offer you?" The woman winked at Harry and said softly.

Harry glanced at the woman and slowly extended a palm.

"I'll pay 600,000 dollars." Frostbite-ScarletRose had been silent all this while. Seeing Harry extend five fingers, she ignored Stormbringers-Jagger and said directly.

Hearing this, Harry's heart started to pound quickly. Those people in front of him were all rich and overbearing. They looked like they were all tycoons. That was 600,000 dollars. It was as if money was no longer money in their eyes but just a number.

But now, Harry was conflicted. He had indeed agreed to sell it to Stormbringers-Jagger. If he went back on his word, it seemed a little inappropriate.

"Hey handsome, how about I treat you to a drink tonight?" Seeing Harry's hesitation, the woman beside Frostbite-ScarletRose quickly stood up and said with a smile.

"No need!" Harry immediately shook his head. He was shocked and felt that he should not be bewitched by beauty. At the moment, money was the most important thing.

"What if my sisters join us?" The woman walked up to Harry and gently blew a breath into his ear. Suddenly, a tingling sensation ran through Harry's body, and his face turned bright red.

"Three people, quite exciting, huh?" The woman chuckled softly as she saw Harry blushing, speaking in a low voice.

"Don't be like this, let's talk properly." Harry looked at the woman who was slightly bending over, with her chest barely exposed, and couldn't help but gulp. his face turning red. While his face was red, he hurriedly retreated to maintain some distance.

Seeing Harry's reaction, the woman couldn't help but chuckle and return to Frostbite-ScarletRose's side.

"Are you worried that the Stormbringers Clan will find trouble with you behind the scenes?" Frostbite-ScarletRose looked at Harry, who hadn't responded yet, and her gaze shifted to Stormbringers-Jagger as she said calmly.

"Hmph, Stormbringers Clan would never do such a despicable thing. You guys, on the other hand, who are shamelessly sell your bodies and even bring your sisters along." Stormbringers-Jagger looked at the woman who harassed Harry and coldly snorted.

"Damn it, I'm willing to do it. If you have a problem with it, come and take a bite." The woman instantly flew into a rage, pointing at Stormbringers-Jagger and cursing at him.

"Stop arguing." Frostbite-ScarletRose frowned slightly. As soon as she finished speaking, everyone quieted down.

"We'll give you an extra 100,000 dollars. You decide." Frostbite-ScarletRose looked at Harry and spoke.

Harry looked at both sides, hesitated for a moment, and then made a resolute decision in his mind. The highest bidder won, anyway, that was how he had arranged it from the beginning.

"Sell it to..." Before Harry could finish his words, another voice suddenly came from afar.

"Wow, it's so lively!"

The voice came suddenly, causing everyone present, including Harry, to be stunned. They quickly turned their heads and looked in that direction.

"They are from the Lord Commander of God Clan."

"It's LCG-Heaven. Damn, this guy is here too."

"Damn it, what day is it today? All the big clans are gathered together."

"We're in for a good show." 


More and more players gathered around, all waiting to watch the spectacle as scenes like this didn't happen all the time.

Looking at the approaching person, Harry touched his nose and felt somewhat embarrassed. He was very familiar with this person; it was the guy he had cursed out that day. He didn't expect him to hear the news and rush over too.

LCG-Heaven arrived in front of the group, and when he saw Harry, his expression slightly changed. But he quickly regained his composure and put on a smile, as if he had forgotten about that incident.

"Hey Bro, we are really fated. What happened that day was actually a misunderstanding." LCG-Heaven coughed awkwardly, wearing a somewhat embarrassed expression. However, he still smiled. 

He had come here to compete for the Faction Establishment Token, but when he saw that it was Harry, his heart immediately sank. Damn it, he didn't expect it to be this guy. It seemed like they were destined to be at odds with each other.

However, he was worried that Harry would have other thoughts, so he immediately lowered his own dignity. At this moment, comparing the two situations, it was better to put personal grudges aside and prioritize the clan's interests.

"Yes, a misunderstanding!" Harry laughed awkwardly. He didn't expect LCG-Heaven to be so magnanimous. Since they were all here to give him money, and the other party didn't mind it, why should he mind?

The other people looked at this scene with strange expressions. It turned out that LCG-Heaven knew this guy, and they instantly felt the pressure of competing for the Faction Establishment Token.

Especially Stormbringers-Jagger, he regretted it so much in his heart. Damn it, if he had known, he would have directly bought it with his own money and then discussed it with the clan. But now, with almost all the major clans gathered, it couldn't be resolved with just 500,000 dollars.

"Buddy, how much are they offering?" LCG-Heaven looked at Harry and forced himself to smile. He was afraid that Harry would say not to sell it to him, then not only would he lose face, but he would also be scolded when he returned to his clan.

Moreover, he couldn't threaten Harry. After all, the other clans were there. Besides, there were also a large number of players watching.

"600,000 dollars," Harry said. He really didn't expect a Faction Establishment Token to be so valuable. He had thought that selling it for 3,000 to 4,000 dollars was already very impressive, but he didn't expect it to be sold for 600,000 dollars. This completely exceeded his expectations.

"Bro, I'll raise the price by 200,000 dollars. How about 800,000 dollars?" LCG-Heaven said without hesitation.

"900,000 dollars." Frostbite-ScarletRose stood at the side and immediately said.

At this moment, not only Harry was shocked, but also all the players around him. They were all stunned, their eyes almost popping out. 900,000 dollars, what kind of concept is that? For ordinary people, it was simply an astronomical figure.