Chapter 30 The Level Ranking

At this moment, Moonshadow smiled happily. Even in reality, she rarely felt so happy, without caring about her image and laughing freely.

Although in her opinion, laughing like this may seem uncouth, it really made people feel happy and free from restraint. For her, who was born into a strict family, it was a wonderful feeling. 

"I'm very curious about what kind of person you are in reality." The two became quite closer. Moonshadow no longer had any restraints. With a smile on her face, she took the initiative to speak.

"Me? I'm a failure in reality." Harry smiled faintly, feeling a little emotional inside. He didn't lie to Moonshadow. After all, a person who couldn't even afford the rent or food couldn't be considered a failure, could he be considered a success?

"You lied to me!" Moonshadow pouted, feeling a bit unhappy.

"You are so eloquent and can even make girls happy. You must be a playboy in reality, deceiving many girls." Moonshadow thought for a moment and suddenly said.

Hearing that, Harry was stunned. He hadn't even held a girl's hand before, let alone deceived anyone.

"I'm very poor in reality. I can't even afford the food. Do you think any girl would be willing to be deceived by me?" Harry shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I don't believe it!" Moonshadow pouted. She felt that Harry was lying. He had just said he was rich, and now he was saying he was poor.

"What about you? You're so shy and beautiful. There should be a lot of people pursuing you in reality." Harry quickly changed the topic. Some things couldn't be explained clearly and would only become worse the more they were described.

"Me? No." Hearing Harry's question, Moonshadow blushed and said softly. 

"I don't believe it. She's so beautiful, and yet no one is pursuing you. Who would believe that? " Harry said with his eyes wide open.

Seeing Harry's expression, Moonshadow burst into laughter.

"My father is a retired soldier, and my mother is a teacher. They are quite strict with me and my older brother. Honestly, you're the first unfamiliar male I've interacted with," Moonshadow smiled and said.

"Wow, I'm really honored to be the first unfamiliar male you've interacted with," Harry was surprised, but it was understandable that Moonshadow was so shy. After all, growing up in such an environment, many things were restricted by parents.

Especially Moonshadow's older brother who gave Harry a straightforward feeling when they first met, with a military temperament like his father's.


As time passed, the two of them had a very happy conversation, especially Moonshadow, who opened up a lot. They talked and laughed, and on her face, one could see a sincere smile.

The same was true for Harry. They made a good team, and although Moonshadow didn't contribute much physically, he didn't feel bored at all when he killed spiders.

Not long after, Moonshadow's body emitted a white light, her level reached 6.

The speed of this level-up surprised her, even if she was playing a game for the first time, she couldn't help but be amazed. After all, when the three of them were leveling up together before, it took a few hours to gain a bit of experience, but now, in just over half an hour, she had gained two levels in a row.

"So fast!" Moonshadow looked at her experience points rising rapidly and could not help but be delighted.

Harry also checked his experience points, 2700/4000. He was just a little bit away from leveling up.

"After we reach level 10, we can go to the main city together to change our class!" Harry said with a smile.

"Yeah." Moonshadow nodded excitedly. Her face filled with joy. Before entering the game, she had heard Monica introduce that changing classes not only allowed players to learn some dazzling skills but also made them stronger.

In fact, Harry was even more excited. Now that Moonshadow had leveled up, he directly attracted two spiders to kill at the same time, greatly increasing the speed of leveling up.

Soon, after half an hour, Harry's body emitted a white light and he reached Level 9.

"Just need one more level." Harry's eyes lit up, and he immediately checked his experience bar: 0/8000.

"Congratulations!" Seeing Harry level up, Moonshadow congratulated him. However, her expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

Noticing the change in Moonshadow's expression, Harry naturally understood what she was thinking. After all, once he reached level 10, he would have to go to the main city to change his class. He would no longer be able to continue leveling up with her.

"We'll go class change together when you reach level 10,"Harry said with a smile.

"Really? But... Will this drag you down?" Moonshadow became excited, but then she asked nervously.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Harry smiled and continued to search for the next spider.

Moonshadow's worries were gone and she naturally became happy. She continued to talk to Harry. She liked this feeling very much, being together with a friend and talking for fun without any scruples and sharing the happiness between them.

It was the same for Harry. He was so busy with his life that he was almost numb to it. Moreover, he was interacting with a beautiful girl like this felt very pleasant. 

Time passed quickly, perhaps because the monster levels were higher, the drop rates had also slightly increased. During this time, they even managed to obtain two pieces of equipment. Apart from the level 10 bow, there was also a normal-quality ring. Harry traded all of these items to Moonshadow, who would be able to equip them once she reached level 10.

Harry glanced at the ring's attributes and saw that it was for increasing strength, which was not suitable for him. It would be no use to hold it, so he decided to give it to Moonshadow.

In addition, there were also many copper coins. Harry planned to give them all to Moonshadow, and he even intended to give her a little extra. After all, she was his first friend in the game, and she was such a shy girl. Harry naturally wanted to take care of her.

Both of them had pure intentions and only saw each other as friends, without any other intentions. 

Finally, when Harry's experience reached 4000/8000, halfway to leveling up. The beauty also reached level 8, and she was only one level behind Harry.

This leveling speed seemed terrifying, but Harry knew that each time they leveled up, the required experience would double, making it more difficult as they progressed.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.


[System Prompt: Server-wide announcement, the Level Ranking system has been activated. The top 100 players in levels will automatically be listed.]



[System Prompt: Server-wide announcement, the Level Ranking system has been activated. The top 100 players in levels will automatically be listed.]


The system notifications repeated three times in a row, and Harry was stunned. He quickly realized that the Level Ranking had been activated, which meant that someone had reached level 10.

"So fast!" Harry was shocked. He felt that his leveling speed was already fast enough, but he did not expect that there were players more terrifying than him.

Harry quickly opened the Level Ranking to check.

Level Ranking:

[1st place: KOC-Thunderstrike (Level 10)]

[2nd place: Frostbite-Ember (Level 10)]

[3rd place: LCG-BlazeFury (Level 10)]

[4th place: Stormbringers-NovaSpectre (Level 10)]

5th place: KOC-IronGolem (Level 10)

[6th place: Nightshade (Level 10)]

[7th place: EchoSoul (Level 9)]

[8th place: Savion (Level 9)]


"Oh my, so many people have reached level 10!" Harry's pupils slightly contracted, and he took a sharp breath. The Level Ranking far exceeded his expectations. He didn't expect that all four major clans had people who reached level 10.

Especially the King of the City Clan, which had two people who reached level 10.