Chapter 29 I'm Not Lack Money

The regrets of the past could only become memories and regrets in the end.

However, fate always loved to play tricks. Just when you feel regret in one moment, perhaps in the next second, there will be a surprise.

Just as Harry deeply regretted, suddenly, the once grayed-out avatar of Moonshadow started flickering.

Seeing Moonshadow come online unexpectedly, Harry's body shook, followed by a joyful expression on his face. He immediately sent her a message.

"Where's your location?"

"I'm at the beginner village. I just saw your message. What happened?"

"Nothing. Wait for me; I'll come to pick you up." 


Harry quickly turned around and ran towards the village.

Not long after, Harry arrived at the village. According to the coordinates provided by Moonshadow, he quickly found her.

Looking at the girl who was waiting for him in the crowd, Harry smiled and quickly walked over.

"I'm here." Harry suddenly appeared in front of Moonshadow and smiled.

"Ah!" Faced with the sudden appearance of Harry, Moonshadow was startled, and then her face turned red. She quickly lowered her head.

"Let's go and level up together," Harry said as he sent out a team-up invitation.

"I was planning to do quests by myself, but there are too many people, and I couldn't get in," Moonshadow said softly and agreed to Harry's team-up invitation.

"What about your brother?" Harry asked with curiosity as he walked with Moonshadow towards the village. 

"My dad had some work at the company today, so he went over to help. I'm the only one at home, feeling bored, so I came online to play the game," Moonshadow replied in a low voice. 

"Alright, whenever you come online in the future, feel free to find me. We can team up and level up together," Harry said with a smile. 

"Okay," Moonshadow nodded. Since Harry appeared, her face had been blushing all along. She felt quite awkward being alone with a guy.

This was her first close encounter with another man, apart from her older brother, since childhood, and she felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

Looking at the shy Moonshadow, Harry smiled and didn't say anything, leading her towards the outskirts of the village.

Even when they reached the outskirts, Harry didn't stop and continued walking towards the forest.

"Where are we going? Aren't we going to kill wild boars to level up?" Moonshadow asked in confusion, watching Harry leading her into the forest. She couldn't help but worry because the forest was filled with high-level monsters, and the two of them were likely to be in danger.

"Look at my equipment. Wouldn't it be a waste to kill wild boars?" Harry said and waved the staff in his hand. But the next second, he felt embarrassed because he noticed Moonshadow looking at him with a puzzled expression.

"Um." Harry was speechless and quickly realized that the concept of equipment might still be unclear to this girl who was playing the game for the first time.

"With my current equipment, we can go kill higher-level monsters, making it easier for us to level up," Harry explained.

"Oh." Moonshadow nodded, seemingly understanding Harry's meaning, and followed him cautiously.

"Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Seeing how cautious Moonshadow was, Harry joked.

Moonshadow blushed and didn't say anything.

She knew that Harry was joking because this game had an extra layer of protection for female players.

Along the way, to avoid awkwardness, Harry was the one who tried to find topics to talk about. Although Moonshadow's answers were simple, she was still amused by Harry at times. Gradually, the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Soon, the two arrived at the Spider Zone. Harry signaled Moonshadow to stay close to him. Faced with level 10 spider monsters, Moonshadow, at level 3, would be instantly killed and sent back to the city if she was touched even once.

"Just stand behind me. You don't have to attack. I'll handle the monsters." Harry said with a smile.

Moonshadow nodded, feeling nervous. She used her Insight skill to observe the spiders but found that she couldn't see anything, which indicated that the spiders were higher level than her.

"We can go kill some simple monsters." Moonshadow hid behind Harry. She felt that these spiders were too dangerous and couldn't help but say worriedly.

"It's fine, trust me," Harry reassured Moonshadow. When he looked around, he spotted a lone spider. Without hesitation, he swung his staff, conjuring a fireball that flew towards the spider.


A huge Damage number appeared as the spider winced in pain. It turned around and attacked Harry, but before it could reach him, Harry swung his staff again, and another fireball flew out, "Boom." The spider struggled and fell to the ground, dead.

Two fireball skills directly killed a level 10 spider. If other players saw this, they would be stunned and couldn't speak. However, Moonshadow didn't show much surprise at the scene; she just thought Harry was amazing to be able to solo high-level monsters.

"How much experience do you have?" Harry had just checked his experience points. Because there was one more person, he only had 100 experience points.

"I have a lot of experience, 100 points!" Moonshadow's face turned red, and she looked excited. She didn't expect a single spider to give more experience than killing a Venom Snake. Just a few more spiders, and she would level up.

"Great," Harry saw the girl's excitement and felt the same joy and pride.

"No wonder you're already level 8!" Moonshadow was extremely excited. When her brother came online later and saw her level higher than his, he would be shocked.

"Stand beside me and remember to be careful." Harry continued to search for the next spider.


Soon, after Harry killed several spiders, Moonshadow was enveloped in a white light and reached level 5.

At the same time, the dead spider on the ground made a crisp sound as if it dropped something. 

Harry's eyes lit up, and he carefully looked, noticing that it was an equipment item.

Harry quickly ran over and picked it up, opening his backpack to check.

[Normal] Blackwood Bow

[Level Requirement: Level 10]

[Physical Attack: +30]

[Equipment Effect: Precision +1]


It turned out to be a normal-quality equipment item, and it was even a bow for Archers. Harry was overjoyed because it was perfect for Moonshadow to use.

"It dropped a bow, that suits you properly. But you need to be level 10 to equip it," Harry said as he sent a trade request to Moonshadow.

"Really?" Moonshadow was pleasantly surprised and accepted Harry's trade request.

After trading the equipment to Moonshadow, Harry was about to look for the next monster when Moonshadow suddenly spoke.

"Although we were leveling up together as a team, I didn't contribute much. How about this? You give me your bank account information, and I'll transfer the money to you. The equipment will be considered as purchased from you by me." Moonshadow looked at Harry and said seriously.

Hearing this, Harry was stunned for a moment before his heart was filled with joy. Just as he was about to tell Moonshadow about his bank account information, he looked at Moonshadow and felt that it was a little inappropriate. Hence, he coughed dryly and hurriedly shook his head.

"I'm not bragging, but I really don't lack money!" Harry said proudly. After all, he still had more than three million in his bank account. Moreover, how much could an early-stage equipment sell for? It was better to do her a favor.

Moonshadow looked at Harry, especially the words "I don't lack money" he said, which made her laugh.