Chapter 28 Too Foolish

After making up his mind, Harry spent half a day running through all the shops in the beginner village, buying all the equipment he needed. He spent a total of 8 gold coins, and every piece of equipment was the best in the shop. 

Looking at his equipment, Harry was extremely satisfied.

[Weapon: [White] Black Staff]

[Necklace: [White] Black Necklace]

[Hat: [White] Black Hat]

[Robe: [White] Black Robe]

[Shoulder Pads: [White] Black Shoulder Pads

[Gloves: [White] Black gloves]

[Belt: [White] Black Belt]

[Leggings: [White] Black Leggings]

[Shoes: [White] Black shoes]

[Ring: Blue] Starfire Ring

[Ring: White] Black ring


With a full set of [White]-quality equipment, Harry knew that he was truly one-of-a-kind in the beginner village of his server if not others. 

If it was known by other players, they would be envious and astounded by his extravagant gear. Some players hadn't even seen a single copper coin, yet Harry had spent 8 gold coins to outfit himself from head to toe. 

Even those major clans would not dare to be so extravagant.

After equipping himself, Harry's attributes underwent a tremendous transformation:

[Name: Savion]

[Class: Mage]

[Secondary Class: None]

[Level: 7]

[EXP: 750/1000]

[HP: 580]

[MP: 880]

[Physical Attack: 10]

[Magic Attack: 112]

[Physical Defense: 50]

[Magic Defense: 80]

[Stamina: 180/200]

[Reputation: 0]

[Remaining Attribute Points: 35]


As Harry finished reviewing his attributes, he couldn't help but gasp. His magic attack had increased by 112 points, and his defense and health had also experienced significant boosts. With these attributes, he could confidently venture into higher-level monster areas, let alone the Spider Area without any worries, except when facing Bosses.

Suppressing his excitement, Harry headed to the potion shop and purchased Healing Potion and Mana Potion for a total of 1 gold coin each, amassing a luxurious quantity of 500 bottles.


With all preparations completed, the next step was to kill monsters and level up. Harry had already decided on the location: the Spider Area he had visited before.

After walking for a long distance, Harry stopped when he arrived at the Spider Zone.

Looking at the wild spiders in front of him, he no longer had any concerns. With his well-equipped, high-defense, and high-output character, even if two spiders attacked him simultaneously, he didn't feel any pressure.

Spotting a nearby spider, Harry didn't hesitate. He swung his staff and instantly launched a fireball, hitting the spider directly on its head.


Seeing the number floating above the spider's head, Harry felt ecstatic. Each spider had 300 health points, and two fireball spells were enough to kill one. Without any hesitation, Harry swung his staff again.


With a loud bang, the spider with low health fell to the ground and died.


[System Prompt: You have killed the Giant Spider. Obtained 150 EXP.]


Before the spider could reach Harry, it had already fallen to the ground and died along the way, granting a whopping 150 experience points. Harry calculated that at this rate, he would reach Level 8 in just over ten minutes. 

Harry's eyes sparkled with excitement, and he even believed he would be the first player to enter the main city. Overwhelmed with joy, Harry swung his staff, slaying one spider after another, watching his experience increase crazily. He felt like his life was shining brightly.

Soon, ten minutes had passed, a white light enveloped Harry, and he reached Level 8, enhancing his strength once again. Killing spiders became even easier for him. 

However, as his level increased, the experience gained from killing spiders decreased to 130 points. Harry glanced at his experience bar, realizing he needed 4,000 points to level up.

To become the first player to enter the main city, Harry wasted no time. After leveling up, he attracted two spiders simultaneously, significantly increasing his leveling speed.

However, at this moment, a system notification suddenly sounded.


[System Prompt: Please note, Moonshadow has sent you a message…]

Harry was stunned. He quickly opened his friend list, where Moonshadow's avatar was rapidly blinking.

Harry didn't expect that this somewhat introverted girl would proactively send him a message. He was surprised and immediately opened it to read.

"Where's your location? Do you want to team up for leveling? "

"No need!"

Harry rejected her directly. He had the ability to level up solo and didn't need to team up now. Joining a team would only hinder his leveling speed.

After Harry replied, he didn't take it to heart and continued to kill the spider monsters. After a long time, another message came.

"Oh, alright then."

Seeing Moonshadow's simple reply, Harry was initially puzzled. But then something clicked in his mind, causing his body to tremble, and his breathing became rapid.

"She must be alone." Harry put away his staff. The rush to level up earlier had clouded his judgment, causing him to reject Moonshadow's team-up request outright. But now, upon further reflection, he realized something was amiss.

Moonshadow was so introverted that she wouldn't easily reach out to others. Even if she wanted to contact Harry, she would ask her brother to get in touch with him instead. However, she personally reached out, indicating that her brother wasn't around, and she was alone. 

Harry hurriedly opened his friend list. As expected, Sunshadow's avatar was grayed out, indicating he was offline, while Moonshadow was online alone.

She came online to play the game alone. Due to her introverted nature and lack of friends, she didn't want to team up with others. That's why she messaged him, hoping to team up for leveling. However, her request was directly rejected by Harry.

Realizing this, Harry slapped his forehead, feeling incredibly foolish. He hadn't reacted in time to this.

Thinking about a girl standing all alone in the beginner village, she didn't have many friends and wasn't good at talking and being rejected when she contacted him, the despair she had felt made Harry deeply regretful.

Just as he was about to send a message to Moonshadow, he noticed that Moonshadow had already gone offline.

"Hmm..." Seeing Moonshadow's avatar turning gray, Harry's heart sank. He realized how foolish he had been. Moonshadow must have been unable to find anyone to level up with, and her contact with him had been rejected, and she eventually logged off.

At that moment, Harry stood frozen in place. He could almost feel Moonshadow's sense of desolation. She was originally an introverted girl, brought into the game by her brother, seeking happiness. But inadvertently, he had hurt her.

Sorry, I, um, actually, I didn't understand the situation earlier, and I didn't expect you to log off suddenly!" 

Harry sent a message to Moonshadow, not knowing what to say, only feeling he was too stupid. Even the spider monsters in front of him no longer held any interest in leveling up.