The Legacy of the Golden Lion

In the next few years, Midas' story becomes something that is told everywhere in the places he rules, and he becomes a legend that everyone looks up to because of his policies and strategies.

Most leaders, after conquering a place, could resort to killing all the men and then subjugating the women and children to maintain an iron rule on the places.

But instead, Midas gave them a way forward. 

Midas proclaimed himself King and he proclaimed everyone from the Southern coasts of South Africa to the northern Borders of Namibia as his subjects. In the case they did not understand, they could fight against him, and his providence and they would be left defeated like every one of Midas' previous enemies.

He was the Golden Lion of Xhaqa and he was giving them a choice. Come under him and prosper, or resist and have their stories in the sands of the African plains wiped for all eternity.

They had to choose.