Torture and Torment

Midas groaned as he woke up. His head was pounding, and his whole body ached. 

Fuck. This might be the worst day of his over 60 million years of life.

He had been taken by the police officers andput in the van they were patrollling with and made to wait in the back of the van with the scorching sun beating down on him.

But the whole time, he had kept his head steady. As long as he could live through all of this, he would live. That was all that mattered.

Hours later, probably after the backup and medical unit guys arrived, the back of the van was intruded by two police officers that seemed to be higher rank sergeants than those liutenants and they started asking Midas questions and pushing him around. 

Midas would never attack a police officer since if he did that that would be an actual case unlike the bulshit case they were launching against him.

He needed to abide by the laws at all times, otherwise his situation would get worse.