The Final Boss

Midas took some time to deal with his injuries, reminiscing on his choices and finding ways he could have optimised certain processes.

In every Trial he had been in, there was some hidden piece. He still had not found the hidden piece for this Trial and that was something that was driving him to explore many possibilities.

This was another reason he had solved the previous Problem unconventionally. He was trying to see if he had found something special he could exploit… But alas.

Midas had done many things to find the hidden piece.

There was a time where instead of destroying the Ghosts, he captured and studied them. But as soon as his Substant Energy penetrated the Substant Root of the Ghosts, it seemed as if the Ghosts would self-destruct.

What a shame.

Back then, Midas was using a net to capture them and it was fun to do for some time as the net was a pleasant distraction for Midas, who was bent on destroying them instead.