Helga's Struggles


`Problem 49`

`Traverse the TrapCube, avoiding the death traps along the way, and make it to the portal leading out. This Problem can only be solved by Six Substant Spawns working together. 

The Spawns all have to get in at the same time and leave at the same time too. You have an unlimited Number of Tries remaining. Click [Start] to materialise the 3d Cube Grid and Start.`



Midas read the part where he had to avoid death traps and the other part where he had to use Substant Spawns and felt his mouth involuntarily twitch.

The Trial had had enough of him and it was now either trying to kill him or waste his time.

Midas chuckled, shaking his head. He had been paying attention to the time, and he had 3 weeks to go until he was annihilated because he had spent too much time.

How trashy would it be for him to die right as he reached the end of the Trial?