Chapter 95 Tour in Rome

All the players were on the plane that was heading to Rome, to participate in the next championship match, among them was Usman, who simply wasn't scheduled to participate in that match.

His teammates were staring at him.

What's going on? Did he forget that he won't participate in this game? (Agazzi)

No, maybe he came to support us, or maybe he's nervous about not participating in today's game, especially since we'll be taking on the 3rd placed team in the table, the former 2nd placed team, the team that competed against us for the first placed team during 25 matches and even when we missed the chance to open up a points advantage, they also made mistakes in trying to overtake us, which caused huge confusion that time we faced them at home. (Pisano)

No, he doesn't look like someone who came to watch the game against Roma, as far as I know we are 7 points ahead of 2nd place, even if we lost we would still be calm. (Ariaudo)

Calm? You discredit him so much that just because he wasn't scheduled to play we lost the game to Roma. (Rossettini)

Well, I'm not one to comment on that, but the difference he brings on the field is huge, I can say that, because I never believed that we would be able to maintain ourselves in a continental level competition so well. (Slot)

You say that because he scored his first hat-trick in the team and in history with two passes that came off his foot, you really didn't come here not to talk about yourself. (Pisano)

Not really, I can't talk about him, even more so his group was talking about having a party at the stadium when the championship ends, that's what I heard about Nainggolan. (Slot)

The game captain mentioned this, so even he is interested in this with his facial expressions I wouldn't believe it. (Rossettini)

What are you doing here today, based on what the boss said, you are not in the lineup to participate either as a starter or as a substitute on the bench. (Nainggolan)

Oh! That's it, well we decided to have a walk in Rome, so we're taking advantage of a ride from the boss. (Usman)

What is it, why are they with that expression, just because he is addicted to training doesn't mean he can't go out and have fun? (Sofia)

We are not surprised as this is the second time he has been left out and the second time he has not even tried to motivate his teammates. (Cossu)

Clown, you're really trying to blackmail him with this, it's not like it's an important match, is it? you are simply wanting his attention even though at this moment you are all calmly without any kind of nervousness to face Roma today. (Sofia)

I confirm this, you are simply wanting unnecessary attention from the boy, he has simply done too much good for the team this year, now you have to do it too, right love? (Claudia Nainggolan)

Nainggolan who has the responsibility of maintaining the morale of his teammates was smiling at what his wife had mentioned.

We are totally different from last year, both in skill and teamwork, so today's game will not hinder us in our hunt to win the trophy. (Nainggolan)

But that doesn't mean we can falter today, we'll go all out on them and won't let them get the 3 points. (Nainggolan)


Please gentlemen! Please be careful to remain silent as much as possible, so that other customers can enjoy the trip. (Steward)


Now what do we do? I agreed, but I didn't think anything of it 😊 (Wilian)

Don't worry, I called Alfa Romeo to let them know we would be in Rome and ask them for a loan or rented car to drive, I also researched several places we could go to, here is a list:

1. Colosseum

2. Treviso fountain

3. Pantheon

4. Vatican and St. Peter's Basilica

5. Roman Forum

6. Palatino

7. Piazza Navona

8. Trastevere

9. Borghese Gallery

10. Castel Sant'Angelo

What do you think from the names, can you discern or think of which one you want to visit? (Sofia)

Well, I didn't want to say anything, because you researched the places and even rented the car for our trip, but do you want to go to all these places in the two days we'll be here? (Wilian)

Well, not all of them, but three or four of them would be good. (Sofia)

Well I choose 2 and you 2 is that good? (Wilian)

Yes, okay, I didn't think you would show interest in choosing or going to any of the places written on the list, so I'm glad you're interested, it will be a fun break. (Sofia)

I choose to pass by the Trevi Fountain. (Wilian)

The source? (Sofia)

Why can not you? (Wilian)

He can. (Sofia)

Do you want to drive or do you want to go as a guide? (Wilian)

You drive, as it's your first time out of the city with the brand that is sponsoring you, it would be interesting for you to demonstrate that you like the product they sell, don't you think? (Sofia)

You're right madam. (Wilian)

First objective Trevi Fountain and here we go.

Wilian drove slowly for most of the way, to simply enjoy the trip, and the journey that would take 29 minutes driving the car without any kind of traffic jam took 40 minutes of travel due to the fact that they were

slowly enjoying the day off.

Wow, how many people, it really is an interesting place even if it's just a square that has an ornament with water in its middle, right? (Wilian)

Well, it's because it's a symbol, it's famous and it became important just because it's a symbol, but that doesn't stop the wish requested with the coin from happening. (Sofia)

Sofia picked up a coin and threw it.

What did she wish for? (Wilian)

😊 I'm a little embarrassed to tell you now, maybe someday I'll tell you. (Sofia)

So now it's my turn, isn't it? (Wilian)


What you asked? (Sofia)

Well, I thought and thought a lot and ended up asking for more than one wish, one of them will come true, right? (Wilian)

Greedy. (Sofia)

Well, one of them was so that none of my teammates get injured in this game and that's it. (Wilian)

Still thinking about the match even though you're here on your day off '—'. (Sofia)

Yeah, no, just thinking about my friends at work, one of them told me about taking some time off to go on a group trip, so I thought I'd invite them to go to Nigeria when the holidays happen. (Wilian)

My love is so cute. (Sofia)

Well, I chose the first one, now you choose, don't you think? (Wilian)

I was just thinking about walking around, so I found a place, a neighborhood called Trastevere, it's a neighborhood known for its narrow streets, colorful buildings and its cafes and restaurants with traditional cuisine. (Sofia)

Facing th-th.

What did you want to ask something? (Sofia)

I know, a walk outside in a neighborhood is not, greedy. (Wilian)

Wilian spoke very softly, returning the sentence she gave him about her desires.

The Whisper was heard by Sofia who looked at him and smiled.

They walked slowly as they followed the streets and looked at the shape of the houses and streets in this place, until they arrived at a Suppli snack bar.

Wow, this smells delicious. (Sofia)

Yes I agree with you how about we buy ourselves and try it out? (Wilian)

Hello. (Wilian)

Hello young couple. (seller)

We would like to buy 2 Supplis. (Wilian)

Are you sure you will only buy one of each, we have the normal flavor and we have the flavor with additional sweet, will it be one of each or both of the same? (Seller)

The two who heard about sweet and savory flavors were licking their lips and almost drooling.

We will buy 2 of each 4 in total, two sweets and two savory snacks. (Sofia)

Thank you, enjoy it young couple. (Seller)

Thanks. (Wilian and Sofia)

Naranrara.. Humming

Tsiu! Goosebumps

I feel like I've seen that boy somewhere, where was he? (Seller)


Wilian and Sofia were enjoying Supplis as they walked through the streets, until they found a Panini shop.

They bought 2 sandwiches to snack on later.

The store salesman mentioned the Crostatas that they sold with fruit, chocolate or ricotta cream fillings, the two took advantage and bought slices to eat on the spot, as time passed and they enjoyed the pie the salesman realized that Wilian was a celebrity, or simply a football player who became famous for his great season this year and simply arranged to take a photo with him taking advantage of the opportunity to meet him at the beginning of his career.

Hello, are you Cagliari player Wilian Usman? (Bakery Attendant)

Yes. (Wilian)

Can I take a photo of you and get your autograph on my Cagliari shirt? (Bakery Attendant)

He can. (Wilian)

Wilian took a photo with the bakery attendant and the bakery attendant autographing their shirt. (Wilian)

Stallion, how do you feel being recognized? (Sofia)

A little surprised I didn't know I would be recognized, it didn't even cross my mind, especially since I'm considered a rising star. (Wilian)

How about I buy you some gelato and we head to the next place on our tour? (Sofia)

Okay, I want a Neapolitan gelato. (Wilian)

So have you decided what our next stop is? (Sofia)

Yes, the Colosseum. (Wilian)

They arrived at the Coliseum and ended up joining the group following a guide's route.

The guide started talking about when the coliseum was built and that the coliseum was set up for games to last 100 days involving gladiatorial battles, hunters, wild animals and dramatic spectacles.

She began to comment on the estimated spectator capacity reaching between 50,000 and 80,000.

Wow, that's incredible, 2000 thousand years ago there was already a place that could accommodate so many people and that lasted for so long. (Wilian)

Yes, Yes really amazing. (Sofia)

Sofia reached Wilian's ear and whispered to him.

How about we leave the group and enjoy the coliseum alone? (Sofia)

They start walking around the Coliseum just the two of them and find several empty spaces, at that moment Sofia starts to smile and pushes Wilian against the wall.

She brought her face closer to Wilian and began kissing him intensely, she felt his body shiver and tremble as he began to place one hand on her ass and the other inside her shirt.

The intense kiss lasted until Sofia could no longer hold her breath at that moment, Wilian took advantage and took off his shirt, he lowered his face and started sucking Sofia's breasts while he moved his hand to get into Sofia's pants and play with your little hole.

Sofia starts to let out small moans when Wilian starts to play hard with her body, but she doesn't stay still and puts her hand inside Wilian's pants and starts moving his equipment too.

Sofia suddenly squats down taking off Wilian's clothes and starts moving her hand and putting that big popsicle in her mouth, she moves her head back and forth sucking on that delicious chocolate and strawberry popsicle hoping to get the milk broth.

Wilian watches that magnificent view from above and smoothes her head, removing the hair from in front of her eyes, Sofia starts to be more daring and tries to swallow the giant whole, but she can't, because, even though she tries to deep throat her, she still it was only halfway, this softwood log was very big.

Get up! (Wilian)

Wilian manages to make Sofia stand up and tells her to take off her pants, he lifts her up, putting his arms around her and puts his dick in her pussy, it was cozy, warm, soft, the sensations he noticed when entering were always wonderful.

He started moving slowly and leaned her back against the wall while holding her to keep pressing into her more easily, he started kissing her, the kiss as he thrust into her became more and more intense, he put his tongue out and started to suck Sofia's tongue, Sofia locks her legs around Wilian's waist and her arms around his neck, she wanted to be glued to him, she was super excited, they were having sex outdoors in a historic place, and her husband was a celebrity If they were caught what kind of trouble could it cause?

The more she thought that someone could catch them in this couple's sexual adventure, the more excited she became.

Wilian, after doing this for a while, came inside Sofia.

That was very good, too bad we might end up having problems, so we better get back to you now. (Sofia)

Sofia was picking up her clothes from the floor when Wilian had another erection and reached into her from behind. He started to move while Sofia tried to lift her torso to stand.

When she managed to get up Wilian pulled her hair and started to thrust harder while pulling her hair to kiss her, he was totally out of control after seeing Sofia like that saying he wanted to stop, he couldn't tell if what she what she said was true or was she just acting, like how she could just lower her upper body to pick up the clothes instead of bending her knee to crouch down and pick up the clothes, but that didn't matter, because at that moment he just I wanted to stick my dick inside her pussy.

Wilian came again inside Sofia this time Sofia started to feel dizzy after what they did.

Wilian started to help her get dressed before getting dressed, as she was more tired than him, even though he was the one who moved the most in this activity.

After that, they headed to the exit and found the Guide.

The guide was surprised as she had just met the couple from the route 3 hours before and now they were simply smiling while holding each other, she simply realized what had happened but didn't think to mention anything other than that sleeping on the property is prohibited. of the coliseum.

To think that there are couples this crazy. (Guide)

Have you ever thought about the last place you want to go? (Wilian)

Yes, we will go to Piazza del Campidoglio. (Sofia)

They went to the square and saw street artists, people who were having fun, people who were going to work, people who were taking time for leisure, with family, friends, partners if you doubt even strangers, they stood there watching the sunset arrive.

Arriving near evening time, fans of the Roma team were passing by.

They were passing by with a frown until they noticed Wilian Usman in the square.

Guys, look, isn't that Cagliari's monkey? (Roma fan)

Hey bitch queue monkey, why are you here, why aren't you in the field or in the forest of your house! (Roma fans)

Wilian simply hugged Sofia and kissed her neck, he just ignored the kids who were insulting him and making trouble against him.

Hey black monkey, are you deaf or don't understand our language? (Roma fans)

Wilian stopped kissing Sofia.

Sofia squeezed the hand that was close to her neck to give her emotional help, but Wilian didn't let it go and returned to the provocation.

I understand very well, I was just thinking about how to tell you that I was fucking your mother and that she liked it so much that I was supposed to keep quiet when you threw a tantrum. (Wilian)

The guy couldn't keep up his appearance and continued walking towards Wilian and Sofia, but when he was close to starting a physical fight, people in the square started to approach him to stop him and others started recording what he was doing. he was going to do, which made one of the people shout that what he did would be considered a problem not only for him, but for the club and the Roma fans as a whole.

At that moment he stopped and turned around.

Good luck, be careful. (Roma fan)

It seems like the day is over for today, doesn't it? (Wilian)

Yes, let's go to the hotel to finish what we were doing *smile*. (Sofia)

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