Chapter 96 Roma? Who?

All the players were on the plane that was heading to Rome, to participate in the next championship match, among them was Usman, who simply wasn't scheduled to participate in that match.

His teammates were staring at him.

What's going on? Did he forget that he won't participate in this game? (Agazzi)

No, maybe he came to support us, or maybe he's nervous about not taking part in today's game, especially since we'll be taking on the 3rd placed team in the table, the former 2nd placed team, the team that competed against us for first place for 25 years. matches and even when we missed the chance to open up a points lead, they also made mistakes in trying to overtake us, which led to huge confusion that time we faced them at home. (Pisano)

No, he doesn't look like someone who came to watch the game against Roma, as far as I know we are 7 points ahead of 2nd place, even if we lost we would still be calm. (Ariaudo)

Calm? You discredit him so much that just because he wasn't scheduled to play we lost the game to Roma. (Rossettini)

Well, I'm not one to comment on that, but the difference he brings on the field is huge, I can say that, because I never believed that we would be able to maintain ourselves in a continental level competition so well. (Slot)

You say that because he scored his first hat-trick in the team and in history with two passes that came off his foot, you really didn't come here not to talk about yourself. (Pisano)

Not really, I can't talk about him, even more so his group was talking about having a party at the stadium when the championship ends, that's what I heard about Nainggolan. (Slot)

The game captain mentioned this, so even he is interested in this with his facial expressions I wouldn't believe it. (Rossettini)

What are you doing here today, based on what the boss said, you are not in the lineup to participate either as a starter or as a substitute on the bench. (Nainggolan)

Oh! That's it, well we decided to have a walk in Rome, so we're taking advantage of a ride from the boss. (Usman)

What is it, why are they with that expression, just because he is addicted to training doesn't mean he can't go out and have fun? (Sofia)

We are not surprised as this is the second time he has been left out and the second time he has not even tried to motivate his teammates. (Cossu)

Clown, you're really trying to blackmail him with this, it's not like it's an important match, is it? you are simply wanting his attention even though at this moment you are all calmly without any kind of nervousness to face Roma today. (Sofia)

I confirm this, you are simply wanting unnecessary attention from the boy, he has simply done too much good for the team this year, now you have to do it too, right love? (Claudia Nainggolan)

Nainggolan who has the responsibility of maintaining the morale of his teammates was smiling at what his wife had mentioned.

We are totally different from last year, both in skill and teamwork, so today's game will not hinder us in our hunt to win the trophy. (Nainggolan)

But that doesn't mean we can falter today, we'll go all out on them and won't let them get the 3 points. (Nainggolan)


Please gentlemen! Please be careful to remain silent as much as possible, so that other customers can enjoy the trip. (Steward)


(POV Cagliari Time)

Haaaaa! Oh! Sigh. (Conti)

 What is it, are you okay? (Nainggolan)

Not today, I'm not feeling well, to tell you I'm happy not to be considered captain today, I'm having a bad day, and I won't be able to show much, so I hope you can cover for me in today's game. (Daniele Conti)

I'm going to put up with everything because the team's heart asked for it, but I hope that up front they can do something. (Astori)

Why are you saying this and are you somehow trying to get the team's former top scorer to rekindle? (Cossu)

Well not at all, I'm just worried because he's not showing a good condition today by his facial expression. (Astori)

He's worried we still have Pinilla and Larrivey on the bench if he's bad the boss will replace him, another factor, stop staring at him. (Nainggolan)

Okay okay.

(Roma Time POV)

What are those expressions on their faces, are they giving up? (From Rossi)

Giving up, right? (Bojan)

No, that doesn't cross my mind, what's going through my mind at the moment is that we are unlucky or lucky to be facing Cagliari without him. (Osvaldo)

He? He who? Who do you show so much interest in to be thoughtful like that? (From Rossi)

Wilian Usman, the boy who managed to tie the game against us in our last dispute, the boy who managed to reach, stay and will be able to reach the goal of 30 goals in the championship, simply a monster unknown to European football for not having titles or playing in a team considered great, this is the boy that never leaves my head. (Osvaldo)

So you're thinking that if we practically win, we'd be saying that we wouldn't be able to win if he was on the field, and if we can't win it's the same as saying that we don't need him to stop us. (Bojan)

Um, snort. (From Rossi)

What kind of shit goes through your heads we not only have one goalscorer we have 3 in our team this season and they managed to score more than 10 goals in the championship this shows that we have more than one dangerous person in attack and you are thinking about the shit newspaper will talk about a boy who managed to score a lot of goals this season, you are really sane, you play for the Roma team! Do you know what that shield on your shirt is, it's not just history it's a great insignia of weight showing our strength, showing our capacity, showing even how dangerous we are and you come now and tell me that you are afraid of a 19 year old boy. (From Rossi)

De Rossi knocked them on the head and told them to stay focused on today's game, as this game is what will decide whether they still have a chance of being champions of the championship this season.

Cagliari Calcio team lineup

GK Agazzi 25

CB Ariaudo 3 Astori 13 RB Pisano 14 LB Agostini 31

DMF Conti 5 CMF Nainggolan 4 © Slot 11 AMF Cossu 7

CF Nenê 18 and Sau 27


GK Avramov 25 CB Camilleri 2 SB Danilo Avelar 8 CMF Dessena 21 AMF Cepellini 32 CF Pinilla 51 Larrivey 9

Roma team lineup

GK Stekelenburg

CB Marquinhos and Burdisso RB Garics LB Balzaretti

DMF De Rossi AMF Perrotta and Taddei

WF Borriello LF Osvaldo CF Bojan

Today we are here for a fight at the top, a fight between this year's giants, in the last dispute between the two teams Roma managed to dominate the counterattack and scored against Cagliari Calcio today they played at home, do you think that them playing at home will have a greater effect against Cagliari Com. (Narrator) Com=commentator

Well, it's supposed to have an effect, as they now have the help of the fans and their familiarity on the field, I don't doubt that they will be able to score one or two goals against the first placed team, but the problem will be if they can keep it, today neither Totti nor Usman will be there. on the field, then the match will be more competitive by team rather than individual skills. (Commentator)

It's what we hope will be a goal-scoring game there and here I hope the teams come out of 0-0 using their intelligent plays and creativity. (Storyteller)

The game starts with the referee's whistle.

Osvaldo plays the ball to Bojan, Bojan plays the ball behind De Rossi.

De Rossi dominates and makes the pass to Taddei, sending the ball between the legs of Burdisso who is advancing towards Cagliari's field.

The Roma team was going for a full attack with all the players on the field as possible, Taddei dominates the ball and drives towards the left flank, attracting Nenê to move and opening a route for his teammates,

Taddei makes the pass to Balzaretti in the left side.

Balzaretti dominates, tries to pass Nainggolan, but fails.

Nainggolan manages to steal the ball, moves forward leading from the right wing, makes the pass to Nenê, Nenê receives the ball, turns, looks at his teammate Sau and touches the ball to him, Sau who was free ends up being marked by Garics as the ball goes to him, Garics manages to win with the body, Sau plays with the body, touches the ball and gives Garics a pen, Sau chases the ball trying to enter the area, but Garics manages to turn and touch the ball with his foot, deflecting it. a to De Rossi's foot.

De Rossi dominates the ball, passes it to Marquinhos, Marquinhos passes it to Taddei, Taddei takes the ball and throws it over the top to Borriello on the left flank, Borriello manages to control the ball and makes the cross into the Cagliari area.

The crossed ball enters the area and is removed with a first-time shot by Pisano.

The ball sent away is contested in the air by Sau and Taddei, Saú wins the contest and heads the ball forward at Cossu, Cossu dominates the ball and moves on to the created counterattack.

Cossu makes the pass to Nenê, Nenê is left without a partner in front to advance and makes a pass, withdrawing the ball to Cossu again trying to create the majestic one-two play, his pass goes wrong and the ball stops at De Rossi's feet, but De Rossi is unable to control the ball because Cossu manages to arrive in time and hit it, sending it to Slot.

Slot starts another attacking move, moves forward leading the ball and loses it to De Rossi who came in pursuit after having lost the ball.

De Rossi regained possession of the ball.

De Rossi makes the pass to Perrotta, Perrotta touches Taddei, Taddei dominates with his right, turns and passes with his left to Borriello, Borriello controls the ball, tries to lead by moving forward to attack.

He is stopped by Rossettini who magnificently steals the ball from him with a smooth stride, like stealing a cat without claws.

Rossettini plays the ball to Slot, Slot makes the pass to Ariaudo, Ariaudo makes the pass to Nainggolan quickly before Taddei arrives at him.

Nainggolan dominates, waits for Slot to arrive, makes the pass, Slot receives it, leads, feints Perrotta and manages to punch him and move on.

Hello! (Cagliari fans)

Shit! (Perrotta)

Perrotta runs after Slot creating the siege together with De Rossi, Slot tries to dribble De Rossi too, De Rossi lets the ball pass and continues running after it blocking Slot's passage, his reaction to catch the ball was incredible and he manages to stop Cagliari's attack.

De Rossi makes the pass to Osvaldo, Osvaldo observes Bojan's run and makes a high throw, the ball is caught by Rossettini who manages to reach it first.

Rossettini sends it away with a strong shot, the ball is contested in the air and headed by Marquinhos back into the Cagliari field.

Piihh! (judge whistle)

The referee considered Marquinhos' jump on top of Slot to head the ball a foul.

Pisano runs and catches the ball to take the free kick from midfield, Pisano watches his teammates trying to create a gap and breathes slowly until the referee says he can take the free kick.

Pisano sends the ball over the top, the ball goes over Saú who tries to run to catch it, but cannot, as Marquinhos gets to it first and sends it away from Roma's defensive field.

The lucky shot lands squarely on Osvaldo's foot, who dominates and takes the ball forward, running down the right side of the field, being chased by Pisano, Pisano was chasing him like a dog that won't let go of a bone and chased him close to the line. background.

Osvaldo crosses into the area!

The ball lands close to Borriello who magnificently misses his grip and can't react quickly enough to shoot it first time, the ball hits him and then hits Astori who is marking him, and it hits Rossettini who doesn't even let him think and just instinctively sends the ball away from the defensive area with a strong kick (chutão).

The shot doesn't work, as Roma begins another new attack with the ball being caught by the team's maestro De Rossi (DeRossi), De Rossi dominates the ball by hitting the chest, takes it away from Cossu and touches it on the left side in Balzaretti, Balzaretti dominates the ball and advances, carrying it.

Balzaretti meets Nainggolan who is marking him heavily and manages to dribble past him by cutting inside, Balzaretti moves forward and is now marked by Conti who, despite not being well, was still the Cagliari team's most dangerous scorer in the middle -field.

Balzaretti passes to the side for Perrotta who loses the ball due to Slot's interception, Slot dominates the ball, pulls it back, leads and touches Pisano, Pisano advances, leading the ball, attracts the Roma players and touches it back to Slot behind, Slot catches it and passes it to Nainggolan, Nainggolan passes it to Cossu, Cossu dominates, plays to the left side and touches Saú on the left wing, Saú dominates the ball and advances along the edge, taking the ball as quickly as possible.

Saú arrives on the side of the Roma area, fakes the cross into the area and pulls the ball back, touching it to Pisano who managed to enter the area, the move works and they manage to enter the Roma area, Pisano dominates and stays front with Perrotta.

Perrotta makes the move and Pisano plays the ball forward passing him and reaching the baseline he tries a pass to the center of the area being trapped by 4 players behind and on the side of the goal.

Pisano is unable to risk a pass and loses possession of the ball because of Perrotta, the ball falls to Saú who manages to catch it and tries to force a pass from the top, the ball hits Balzaretti and goes along the end line and is thus a corner for the Cagliari.

Cossu takes the corner and sends the ball to the 2nd post, the ball goes towards Saú who fights for the jump against De Rossi.

De Rossi wins and heads the ball away from the Roma box.

Roma gets a chance to start the counterattack.

The ball is caught by Nainggolan who manages to reach it, the ball is played to Slot, Slot takes the ball and tries to advance into the area, he dribbles past Taddei and ends up being brought down.

The referee whistles for a foul, the ball is 24 m from the goal.

Nenê is next to the ball looking at the goal and Cossu is preparing to kick the ball.

Nenê fakes the shot and Cossu takes the free kick making a throw to the right wing, the ball goes over everyone and goes to the right side of the attack, Saú runs and tries to catch it, but he can't get to it before she does. to go out.

Stelkelenburg restarts the game, sending the ball away with a kick, the ball is contested by Conti in the air, Conti wins and heads the ball forward, the ball remains in the air and is contested by De Rossi and Cossu, De Rossi this time wins and heads the ball to Bojan, Conti intercepts the ball and heads it with his back to Cossu again.

Cossu manages to dominate the ball, being marked by the maestro, Cossu manages to move away from De Rossi's marking and takes the ball running towards the right wing, Cossu tries to pass by Taddei and ends up losing possession of the ball, the ball goes to Nainggolan who tries to dominate her, but he and Cossu end up fighting due to poor positioning.

The ball hits Cossu and goes to the side, even though Rossettini tries to stop it from going out, he can't keep it.

Balzaretti makes the throw-in and sends the ball to De Rossi, De Rossi controls the ball and waits for Borriello to run, De Rossi passes to Taddei on the left wing, Taddei passes it to Balzaretti who is advancing after the throw-in, Balzaretti leads the ball and watches his teammates pass through the center.

Balzaretti touches the ball to Borriello, Borriello continues driving and makes the pass into the area.

The pass comes out low and strong enough to pass to the other side of the area, as the pass came out too early, Osvaldo was unable to finish the ball in the goal and had to chase the ball trying not to lose the momentum of the attack.

Pisano chases Osvaldo who is close to catching the ball and fights with him in the body for whoever reaches him first, Pisano is knocked down and manages to knock Osvaldo down with his leg, the ball goes to Garics who was coming from the right flank.

The attack on Roma is not over! (Osvaldo)

Garics takes the ball from the side and tries his best to pull it close to the baseline until he finds an opening and dribbles past Pisano, moving towards the center of the area, after dribbling past him.

Garics makes the cross and the ball takes a wide turn instead of going straight, the ball goes away from the goal, the ball lands close to Nainggolan who doesn't think twice about sending it away before it falls to the ground.

Pih!!! The referee blows the whistle at the end of the first half.

The teams leave the field saddened, both teams are playing terrible when their creativity advances, so the defenses are easily stopping the plays, which resulted in a game with 0 shots for both sides.

It was a complicated game, both teams were vying for possession, it was practically half and half (51x49).

Roma 0 x 0 Cagliari Calcio

Ivo was worried after this match there were still 7 games to be played they were still in a fight for the trophy and didn't get the chance to rest, to take their foot off the accelerator when it comes to championship games the famous 2nd place Juventus was in this playing at home against Inter and was winning 1-0.

Really, who would have thought that I would be starting to get nervous watching games for teams like Juventus. (Ivo)

The players just rested without making a sound.

They returned to the field to play the second half, the second round for everyone on the field was going to be a different game.

Nenê starts with the first touch, Saú makes the pass to Cossu with his heel, Cossu takes the ball and ends up being marked by Bojan, Cossu reacts quickly and pulls the ball to the right making the protection and passes it to Nainggolan, Nainggolan receives the pass and he tried to advance, but was prevented from turning by Taddei.

Nainggolan plays the ball to Conti behind, Conti dominates the ball and touches it to Slot who is located towards the left end of the field even though he is in the center, Slot takes the ball and takes it towards the left end.

Slot attracts Garics and feints by throwing the ball to the left after pulling it and waiting for him to pounce, Slot continues driving the ball across the field.

Slot manages to get close to the area on the left side and fakes the cross and makes the feint by pulling the ball back after that he looks into the area and makes a cross, the ball curves towards the goal and goes down close to the small area.

Cossu fights against Taddei in the air and loses, the ball is removed from the danger area.

Conti manages to catch the ball that was removed from the area before Balzaretti, Conti (Daniele Conti) advances taking the ball.

Conti continues to carry the ball and slows down while controlling the ball to dribble to the left, passing behind Balzaretti who flew by his side, Conti is close to the crescent of the edge of the area.

After dribbling and holding the ball to reposition the players, Conti makes the pass to Cossu.

Cossu dominates the ball and takes it away from the area, he takes the ball towards the left wing where he turns and faces the area, he advances with the ball and manages to enter the Roma area and finishes a shot on goal after seeing an opportunity.


The ball came out weak and straight, the goalkeeper didn't even have to work, it was as if the ball had been thrown back at him, as he grabbed it in the abdominal region and calmly remained standing.

Draw back! (Nainggolan)

Kick the ball quickly! (From Rossi)

Stekelenburg sent the ball forward with his shot, the ball went down in the middle of the field on the right side, the ball was contested by Osvaldo and Pisano, Osvaldo managed to beat the header and sent the ball to the center, Bojan retreated to get the ball and go on the attack.

Bojan led the ball towards the goal and was marked by Conti, Bojan pulled to the right and cut Conti, Bojan continued with the ball and passed it to Perrotta, Perrotta dominated led he observed the movement of his teammate running down the right side of the field and scored a high throw.

The throw was strong and landed very close to the baseline inside the area, Osvaldo even tried to catch the pass, but the ball bounced and was considered a goal kick.

Agazzi restarted the game by sending the ball to the center of midfield, the ball was headed by De Rossi who managed to position himself in front of Cossu and Nainggolan.

The headed ball lands at the feet of Conti who takes it across his own field and backs at Ariaudo, Ariaudo dominates it and passes it to Astori, Astori tries to lead and ends up losing the ball to Bojan who was close to him and manages to steal the ball.

Bojan carries the ball, advancing calmly across the Cagliari field, Ariaudo chases him and approaches him on the left side, Bojan continues carrying the ball and advances, moving away from Ariaudo, running a little to the right.

Bojan manages to enter the area and finishes with a low diagonal shot, the ball comes weakly and Agazzi throws himself on the ground to catch it perfectly.

Agazzi sends the ball forward, Garics and Saú compete for it in the air, Garics wins and heads the ball back, the ball lands close to Perrotta who heads the ball into Cagliari's field, Slot manages to get the ball before Bojan, Slot takes the ball across the field and advances to attack, Perrotta comes to face him one-on-one and manages to remove the ball from his possession.

The ball goes towards the side of the field and Pisano manages to get to it before Perrotta, Pisano tries to get the ball out of Perrotta's path, but he doesn't get the ball and hits Perrotta who enters into a ball dispute with Pisano, Perrotta wins and takes the ball driving through the Cagliari field, Perrotta plays the ball to Osvaldo, Osvaldo dominates the ball and takes it towards the center, he sees Bojan and makes the pass to him.

Bojan receives the ball and touches it, making it go up and distracting his marker Conti, Conti tries to advance against Bojan, but he is dribbled, Bojan pulls the ball to his left and runs diagonally while covering the distance between him and the goal from Cagliari, he arrives in the crescent of the area and finishes a diagonal shot to the right of the goal.

The shot goes perfectly and Agazzi just manages to hit the ball and send it towards the baseline.

With 70 minutes of play Ivo decides to make substitutions to put new blood on the field.

He takes out Slot, Nenê and Contí and puts in Pinilla, Danilo Avelar and P. Cepellini.

De Rossi takes the corner, sends the ball into the small area!

Borriello has a chance to break the tie, but he was guarding Ariaudo, Ariaudo comes out from behind Borriello causing him to lose his balance and try to kick the ball with his leg instead of his header, but Ariaudo puts his body towards the ball in front of the goal, the ball hits Ariaudo and goes out of their reach.

Astori runs after the ball and kicks it out of the box.

Perrotta manages to dominate the ball that came from the area and begins another round of attacking play from Roma, Perrotta touches the ball to Garics, Garics dominates the ball and runs it along the right side of the area, Garics tries to enter the area trying to pass through Astori.

In one-on-one the victory came to Astori who easily touched the ball and protected Garics, then kicked the ball to the side.

With the ball gone, coach Eusebio Di Francesco decides to remove Borriello and replace Destro.

Technical apologies. (Borriello)

Okay, you played well today, the ball just didn't go in, it was a difficult game, we underestimated them a lot. (Eusebio Di Francesco)

Garics throws the ball to De Rossi, De Rossi tries to take the ball close to the baseline to make the pass and the ball hits Avelar and goes out the side.

It really sucks, it was our last chance to be champions of the championship, but even our maestro is no longer able to keep calm on the field. (Eusebio Di Francesco).

Huff (sigh)

Garics throws the full-back again this time to Perrotta, Perrotta dominates and takes the ball backwards, attracting the defense, after which he turns and touches Osvaldo who is close to the area on the right side.

Osvaldo receives the pass and drives while waiting for Perrotta to arrive, Perrotta takes the ball again and makes a diagonal cross into the center of the area.

The ball follows a perfectly high line and is headed by Destro who has just entered the field, Destro heads the ball towards the goal, but the ball curves and goes diagonally to the goalkeeper's left side and out along the back line.

At that moment De Rossi put his hands on their faces to keep from screaming.

The 8 Cagliari players who were inside the area were surprised by this move and scared, because they had created a giant barrier with numbers and yet it was breached, running the risk of conceding the goal in the last 10 minutes of the game.

The ball is put on the field again with Agazzi sending it to the center of the field, Cepellini and Perrotta compete in the air, Perrotta beats Cepellini by heading the ball into Cagliari's field, luckily the ball ends up at Astori's feet.

Astori dominates the ball and passes it to Avelar, Avelar receives it and passes it to Ariaudo, Ariaudo passes it to Astori, they keep playing the ball among themselves in the defensive field to gain time and recover the breath they ended up wasting.

Cagliari stabilized the game by making passes in the defensive field, Roma fans started to scream.

Woah woah woah woah!!!!! (Roma fans)

Advance, the emperor!! (Roma fans) (I have no idea how Roma fans sing, if you have, please comment here.

Ariaudo receives it again and takes the ball forward towards Bojan, Ariaudo cuts to the left dribbling Bojan and makes the pass to Cepellini, Cepellini receives the ball and passes it to Avelar, Avelar receives it and passes it to Nainggolan, they were building the play at a slower pace possible with a draw they maintained the advantage.

Nainggolan dominates and passes to Avelar, Avelar receives and retreats to Ariaudo, Ariaudo again holds and passes to Avelar, Avelar dominated, turned, observed the entire field and made the pass to Rossettini on the right wing.

Rossettini led the ball slowly down the right wing, keeping the pace of the game as much as possible, making the Roma players who were nervous lose their train of thought, they were no longer confident in dealing with Cagliari, they weren't even trying anymore. to be aggressive, they were just playing to finish the match.

Rossettini sees Nainggolan passing to his left and plays it to him, Nainggolan receives the ball and ends up being marked by Taddei, Nainggolan pulls the ball to his left and heads towards the center, Nainggolan passes the ball to Cossu, Cossu dominates the ball and stays facing the Roma team, De Rossi, Marquinhos, Taddei, they were all starting to close down the scoring to avoid conceding a goal.

Cossu tries to pass De Rossi using his acceleration and agility to dribble him, but De Rossi imposes his body, stopping the play, so Burdisso had the chance to catch the ball and kick it away, sending it into Cagliari's field, initiating a possible counterattack.

The play doesn't work out, as Ariaudo beats Bojan from the top and sends the ball into the Roma field, the ball ends up at the feet of Nainggolan who starts another move for Cagliari, Nainggolan manages to dribble past Burdisso and pass it to Cepellini, Cepellini takes the ball slowly and ends up losing possession of the ball to Burdisso and running back as much as possible to form a defensive wall.

Burdisso leads the ball and plays it to Perrotta, Perrotta stops the ball and observes his teammates before making the next move, but no matter what he did or did the referee whistled the end of the game.


Roma's players and fans were disappointed, they tried everything, but the one who dominated the 2nd half was the Cagliari Calcio team, who came out as best on the field was De Rossi.

Journalists tried to interview him on his way out, but he had nothing to say. He did everything on the field, from creating plays to intercepting and defending plays, but his team didn't get the final blow, causing them to lose the fight for the championship. for being considered better on the field made him even sadder.

It may sound funny, but I have news for you. (Ivo)

We are lucky, Juventus drew with Inter which means we maintain a safe distance of 7 points from them. (Ivo)

 Seven points with 7 games remaining, of these 7 games it will be necessary for us to win 5 to be champions, boys we are in the final stretch of the final stretch, we are close to the last point of the peak, I hope this luck still lasts if we continue to play this way . (Ivo)

Boss, I know this may sound like a lame excuse, but we don't have our top scorer here, I don't doubt that we can still win the championship just because of our game today and for many of us, being champion of a championship once is considered as a merit of every career, simply an unforgettable glory. (Nainggolan)

I know that, but you can't play with that factor in mind, you have to think about being champions because he simply thinks that everything bad that happens in the team would be his fault and our next match we will play the European Masters Cup, for you it's just an impossible cup, for him it's a cup that he still has a chance to win and that's what I want you to remember that boy Wilian Usman wouldn't stay for long, just like Cristiano Ronaldo, Samuel Eto, Michel Platini, Roberto Baggio, Zinedine Zidane all of them have something in common they were monsters that couldn't stay in their small teams, they were aberrations that left their own team regretting that they were slowing him down, Wilian Usman may not be a great player, but he is evolving so fast to one that in just one year he showed us his future. (Ivo)

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