Those Born Without Trepidation.

Mousai's POV

"Why have you been lurking around here?" Persephone questions whilst beginning to casually strip as she walks to a nearby room for a change.

Hel sits on her throne, crossing her legs and biting her lip in frustration. "Do you know how hard it is getting any sort of sleep when the screams of souls are replaced by hope within a name I can't even pin a face to!?" She yells, slamming her fist on the arm rest.

I make my way towards Zagreus, hoisting his arm over my shoulder. "What's with him?" She asks.

"The other two parts are currently resting in the ground, and he's clearly at his limit." I glare at her but she begins hysterically cackling.

"Persephone you call me rotten? You know exactly what you've done!" She cheers to the woman across the hall.

Out she comes with a black and gold regal styled dress with golden laces running across it, continuing to fix her hair as she approaches us. "If I was discarded from Elysia for my love then why should they be any different? Let them suffer." She comments, admittingly causing a thorn in my heart.

"And near enough killing him!? What part of that is fine to you!" I scream at her but she doesn't bother to even turn as she's too focused on herself.

"Anyways, care to explain how you managed to get that god eating flower alive once again?" Hel asks, finally standing up from the throne and confronting Persephone. "I can't imagine Anubis and Hades would be too fond of hearing this..." She murmurs.

"Oh that wasn't me at all! It was thanks to our pretty friend here." Persephone answers. Finishing with her hair to flick it into Hel's face before making her way over to me. Forcing a plant to grow through the floor as she plucks the crystal petal from its bloom, crushing it into Zagreus' mouth and letting me lower him gently.

"I-what!?" I ask in pure confusion, trying to not stumble as we place him along the floor.

"I've explained it already to you my love, you're the problem." Persephone smiles softly.

"And the name? Oracion, does that have to do with anything?" Hel continues questioning.

"Well yes and no, from what I can tell..." She leans over to pinch me.

"WH-" I go to react but she covers my mouth with pure domination.

"Anyways, he's the thing keeping our sleeping beauty here...sleeping? Honestly I'm not too sure how it's working but she's certainly not fully conscious." 

I hold the part of skin she pinched, rubbing it in awe. "I'm fine, what are you even talking about?" 

Persephone begins slapping Zagreus in an attempt to wake him, I think. "Us gods certainly have pain receptors don't get it wrong, but do you truly think a small pinch such as that would be bothering you so much?" 

"I see." Hel wanders over to me, hovering a hand over me ever so slightly before whispering near my ear. "So she's delicate right now." She hums as I flinch back.

"What's happening to me, what are you talking about Persephone?" I panic as they dance around the subject.

After a heavy eye roll she stares dead into my face for the first time, "I thought at first Oracion was dreaming of himself, hence the figure. But I was so wrong." She begins mushing the skin on Zagreus' face like a new born baby, confirming she indeed even isn't trying to wake him at this point.

"He's dreaming of you, a god he still knows near nothing about but takes a guise of a human. Hence why this vulnerable state you're in is dire, you look human, so therefore he believes your exterior is the same as one. He doesn't know what you're doing but he'd like to hope you're working your way to him, a dream that's causing you to dream." She fully explains her theory.

Hel holds my chin, bringing our faces closer. "So what you're saying is...she could do anything right now?" Her wicked smile brightens.

"Uh-" I try to get a word in between these two but I just can't.

"Not entirely, as you saw her imagination is still following some form of logic. For example-" She shoves Hel off of me, grabbing me by both sides of my face and violently shaking me. "MAKE HEL PRETTY, DO IT!" She lets go, causing me to fall to the floor.

She flicks her hair back and out of her eyes as she faces Hel, "OH SHI-no...see, she just can't do the impossible. Crazy, isn't it?" 

"Wrench" Hel comments.

"At least I'm a beautiful wrench. Anyways, I'm sure you've notic-"

"Wha-t happened." Zagreus' wakes up, shaking his head out of the groggy state as he energetically bounces up from the floor. "Why do I feel so light?" He smiles for the first time in a while, lighting a little heat inside of me.

Persephone kisses her teeth as she once again is interrupted, "I quite literally made you lighter for the time being, now don't go passing out on her again. But for now, I'm not explaining what I just said. I'll let your pet do that for you."


"LET ME FINISH!" She screams.

"Someone's here." Hel comments, completely ignoring Persephone's outburst.

Her hair frizzles up from stress as she thrashes around with it, "He's been here, listening and doing whatever else people do in the dark, yeah. Thanks for telling us as I myself wasn't about to make that exact point." 

She turns away to face the man peacefully walking from the side as we all now face him. "The dead are calling out for a human? Seriously?" Hel walks over to him, holding up a singular hand as deep black cracks form along her skin. 

"HEL!" Persephone tries to reach out to her but Zagreus' pulls her back on instinct, knowing she'll just suffer by even being near her in that state.

"It won't work." I whisper out loud, 'It's Oracion after all...why would it ever work?' The thought spirals in my head just as Hel grabs him by the waist seductively.

"I always have missed kissing mortals to death, hmm..." She hums while holding him closer. An action that pushes their heads ever so closer until she herself stops. Her heartbeat almost audible to us all as the entire room freezes in acknowledgement of what's happening.

His husky voice sound out from around her frame, "What's wrong, were you trying to do something? We were sharing a moment." His smile obvious to us even if we can't see it.

She tries to take a step back but her body's stuck within his grasp. "Let go." She quietly demands.

"Scared Anubis is going to see us?" He tries to charm her but her thrashing only becomes more violent as she tries to claw out his skin to break free.

"LET GO!" She screeches, eroding the floor beneath her but none of them drop. Instead he only pulls her closer, standing there as if the floor still exists, only dipping ever so slightly.

Persephone rushes to me, blocking my vision with her own face as she stares at me, "It's a 30ft drop, at the bottom there's marble flooring with a red and black pattern that runs along like a carpet in a barely lit space."

My head spins as she tries to force information into my head suddenly, "ZAGREUS GRAB HER." She alerts him as he rushes towards Hel's trapped figure.

And all of a sudden, both of them gradually fall but Zagreus catches her hand as she reaches back to him. Allowing Oracion to continue falling down to a lower level of the palace.

"How did you know-that would even work?" Zagreus' pants as he fully pulls Hel up from the side. 

"The same thing happened above, Mousai couldn't imagine where we would end up so his logic was to stay where the hole opened up." Persephone explains, "So only when I described the bottom to her, did his figure become effected. He can't fly, so he has to fall."

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a dream, doing whatever he wants whenever he wants?" He responds.

"That's the beauty of it" She slaps me on the shoulder, "It's not his dream, it's hers." 

"So...if I died there, it was cause of her?" Hel punches the floor as she stands up, hurriedly making her way towards me.

"Even if it were me what do you think you're doing!?" I stomp forward as she attempts to threaten me.

Zagreus grabs her once again, stopping her from coming any closer to me. "As the one who grabbed you from him, I'd like to think I have some say in what you do next?" He asks abruptly.

But her eyes lay on me, piercing me in every way that they can as if trying to kill me with looks. 

Persephone sighs in annoyance, stepping away from us to avoid a sudden blood splat that covers the floor. Hel's eyes rolling to the back of her head as Zagreus follows Persephone.

"Causing too much pain to her would be anything but ideal to me" Oracion comments from behind her, twisting his arm in grotesque positions as he explores Hel's body as her mouth opens in a ghastly position, "Is this what I think it is?" He shuffles his hand around, something that etches through even her skin to where I can see his knuckle prints.

"Hmm warm, beating just like any other being. Why do you gods consider yourself special when cattle shares the same of life?" He speaks as though we aren't even in the room.

He thrusts his hand in, squirting blood across his own face. "Oooo, does that count...did I make you finish?" 

"Oracion." I try to reach out.

"Hmm, look at you. Eyes rolled back, mouth wide open, you're quite literally speechless with all these fluids leaving you!" He cheers.

"Oracion pleas-" I go to place my hand across his arm but he jumps back, cutting through the bone and muscle to enable his hand to escape. 

"So even a dream can feel the trembles of reality?" Persephone smugly walks in, barely catching Hel's body as she collapses into her arms. "Did you hear him? Have the whispers of that Beast connected to the depths of your imagination?" She smiles wickedly, placing Hel on her back and walking past a frozen Oracion.

His eyes locked into fear and delirium as he struggles with an internal war. "He won't be moving for a while if it's his first time."

"The murmur?" I question, "I had thought only those closer to him would be able to hear it to this extent." I continue following her, passing by him as I stare with guilt. 

"Hel's one of the four beings connected to that Beast, besides her. And I'd like to keep my contact with the others as minimal as possible. For all our sakes." Persephone breathes out as she struggles to continue carrying Hel.

"Fatass." I hear from under her muffled breath.