Revel With The Child Of Chaos

Oracion's POV

'I shouldn't of done that'

'I shouldn't of done that'

'I shouldn't of done that'

'I shouldn't of done that'

The thoughts blaze through my skin, cutting across me and eating me alive as echoes shake my bones and tremble my nerves to the point where I hope I die.

'Where am I?'

'Where am I?'

The same line echoes as my voice bounces back at me. 

I force my eyes to open, finding an ecliptic world where the moon and sun lay broken against each other, the floor marbled white and chiselled with engravings that glow an eerie gold. And from it extends countless strand of white extending up to the unchanging day or night, a material so ethereal it looks like my hand could practically glide through it. 

I extend my hand out, reaching for it but my thoughts were left to be desired as the hair itself clanked like a chain. 

"It's within my divine decree to say that you should in fact, not be here." A voice echoes from the waving hair, the misleading deception that the wind could coil around it even despite remaining cold and stiff across my own flesh.

I try to find the true source of the voice, staring around and seeing nothing in this abnormal space but there's nothing to be seen. Ever since I opened my eyes however, I can't help but acknowledge this sound within my ears. A thudding that shakes the very air every now and again, albeit unaffecting those hair strands.

"I've heard stories from the outside about those who could hear our thoughts...our dreams. But none living have ever reached this place." The male voice explains. "Not because it's guarded, nor is it protected." I can feel the confusion within his voice as I begin to wander, avoiding contact with the hair and runic features along the ground.

"I mean after all, this is where he sleeps. The Beast that's forced to do nothing but dream, a requiem told by his solemn breaths and pulsating heart." A gentle tug pulls me back from a quick stumble, much to my amazement. "You seem to be on guard, but I can assure you I remain neutral as long as I am of use to this place. Come, Anomaly." His hair begins to tug me, wrapping around me and confirming the cold chain like texture, a binding that feels far beyond godly as I feel my very soul being tied down to this place.

"Let me see the face of the one death fears most." He chimes, feeling the tremors of the air and land grow the further he continues to pull me. Stopping only until I'm close to the edge of what seems to be a crater, one of gargantuan proportion, so far to say that it would force a dwarf like impression upon the hole by the Veil. "Do you see me?" I gaze upon two crystal white eyes staring back up to me from the darkened depths.

I go to open my mouth but a strand wraps around my face, "'ll wake him." He whispers. Sticking new tendrils into the walls as he shows of his woven web surrounding the depths of the pit, each and every single one of them glistening with the light from both the sun and moon as they remain in a collided state.

'Who are you?' I think to myself, sending a little rune across his hair that connects to his body just as his face appears to me, surprising me a little bit to say the least.

"People often confuse this form of mine to take that of a woman but true to my history, I'm depicted as a man. Take your choosing for none of it matters to me. Perhaps in a distant future I would take that form you so picture, perhaps even with a different name with a different appearance or colour. Such is the nature of the Kindred." He smiles gently to me, tilting his head in curiosity. "But for this life, I guess you would call me Enkidu. The chain that can bind even the gods to this here world." He gestures around while having his hairs carry him to the floor next to me where his bare feet patter against the marble.

His stature far smaller than me, comparable to a child even. 'How old are you?' I ask myself, noticing the rune again travelling through his hair and to his head, a process that he gleefully watches with his pale white eyes.

"I was made by an artist far beyond your time of existence...or perhaps that's inaccurate when describing one such as yourself." He tilts his head again before looking back down at the pit. "Oracion you're not actually here, I can tell that much by simply touching you. Nor do I even know how you ended up here." He looks back at me with a sharp gaze, "But it seems there's an untold connection between you and ragnarok itself. If you hope to avoid the world changing for the worst, then I'd advise you steer far from the path you're currently walking down, for if you will most certainly encounter the Beast that sleeps below." He whispers my name.

"You no longer look surprised that I know your name" He giggles to himself, "Let me tell you something that may frighten you a little bit. Upon your birth the world changed, a beginning that seems to have no end and a name that has spread like an infectious dream. A dream held by none other than this Beast, for the world began to spin with this Wolf as its centre. You aren't just in the presence of a god, you're in the presence of the one who is denied his own existence for it threatens reality itself. The gods don't know your name because simple whispers or tales...they know your name because that's who this Beast is dreaming of. His alone thoughts alone remaining unchallenged and unrivalled, so vivid that it controls the worlds far outside this one. That is the thing you're going to have to stand against." He lifts himself with his own hair to meet eyes with me, whispering into my ear as if to hide something.

"So tell me, Oracion. What makes him so interested in you?" He leans back as pieces from the sun and moon begin to erratically fall beside us. The pit beginning to send fissures along the ground we walk on as a grumble releases from the deep dark.

"A miscalculation on my part, but I doubt this will be our last meeting for with your sin of pride, why would you possibly heed reality. After all, you've been breaking it since the start." He laughs uncontrollably, holding his stomach while unintentionally avoiding the falling debris around him. "Glance at him while you can but do not be fooled by the swirling gold that disguises itself as an eye, a curse to us all that something like this was allowed to exist within our world...or rather blame the misfortunate that we were born into 𝘩𝘪𝘴 world."

I look over the ledge, taking in all of what he said as the almost a complete circle of the pit is filled with an eye, spiralling with rivers of gold that glisten like stars as they all fall abruptly. Sliding over to my figure as we make eye contact for the very first time and what I can feel to not be the last, all being confirmed as one singular name is combusting throughout my body.
