Let this transfer student have an uneventful day!

Damn it! This doesn't make any sense! I thought as I bit into my thumb.

I had it all planned out. I had purposely skipped the first couple of days of school so all the popular seats would be taken and yet that one remains.

It's as if horror music is playing in the back of my head as I stare at that damn seat. I can even feel a drop of cold sweat run down the back of my neck… hell there's even a suspiciously convenient beam of light on top of it! 

What kind of sick joke is this? I thought.

I wonder when it first began.

Situations that you only see in Mangas and animes started happening one after another to me, seemingly out of nowhere.

Of course it wasn't really a concern at first, especially because it wasn't something to complain about if you get what I mean.

But, once I entered high-school, things really began to get out of hand.

Things that frankly, I'd rather not remember and had hoped I left behind… but now before me once again, is that seat, not just any seat but the seat.

Cliché number four. The protagonist seat.

The one you see in every damn story.

The seat where the main character has that typical lethargic look as they stare outside the window, as if they are thinking profoundly of some philosophical dilemma or some deep social commentary on life. But they are not trust me.

I would know because I've been there before and the only deep thought I ever had was if a straw has two holes or one, and if I was feeling controversial that day, if water is wet.

Still, that seat is nothing but bad news. It's basically the catalyst for annoying situations to happen.

Why the hell is that the only empty seat! Shouldn't it be the most popular? I mean it's at the back where it's hard for the teacher to see and notice you! Are all my classmates that diligent?! You disappoint me classmates!

"Kurogawa-kun?" asked Ms. Aoi, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Ok, ok, no need to panic. This isn't anything new, a simple fix will do.

"I apologize miss, but I'm afraid I have poor eyesight so if I sit in the back, I won't be able to see anything. Can I maybe sit on the front?"

Ms. Aoi seemed surprised and slightly tilted her head. "Oh, really? I didn't see anything about that in your transfer file. But if that's the case, where are your glasses?"

I silently gulped, "Ah well, it seems I've forgotten them today. You know how it is hahaha… first day nervousness…" I said trying to make Ms. Aoi drop the subject.

"Oh I see" she said, looking understanding and sympathetic, but then gave off a sinister smile, "Then you can just ask your classmates for today's notes and bring your glasses tomorrow!"

Damn it miss! Why are you doing this to me! I cried internally. Whatever the case, sitting in the back is a no go! She leaves me with no other choice.

"About that miss, as a matter of fact I am also hard of hearing, so I must seat near the front, I wouldn't want to miss out on details about your class" I replied with my most innocent smile.

"My oh my, how diligent of you, but don't worry I'm known throughout the school for having a powerful voice, so there shouldn't be a problem. So please give the seat in the back a chance, I insist" she said in a commanding voice.

I began to grit my teeth, "I have muscle spasms!" I suddenly exclaimed.

"Muscle spasms!?" she said confused with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, if I sit too far back, my posture gets all hunched over and I get these, uh tension headaches and muscle spasms. It's sort of a private medical issue, so I insist I sit in the front."

"You insist huh…" She narrowed her eyes at me, clearly unconvinced. "How bizarre, it's almost like you're making these on the spot."

"It truly is bizarre isn't it," I responded in a well-mannered tone.

HAH! Take that! You can't say anything now huh?? I thought to myself, celebrating internally my victory, but that's when from the corner of my eye I see miss Aoi smirk.

She's smiling?! Why?

That's when it dawns on me, the class has been silently witnessing this whole spectacle. As such, I can feel everyone staring at me.

DAMN IT! My plans of blending in with a boring introduction! My plans of being invisible! It's all been thrown out the window because of our interaction! Don't tell me… was this all part of her…?

But Ms. Aoi cut off my thoughts, "I see, then there's no helping it" she said, suddenly giving up like nothing.

"Would anyone like to trade seats with Kurogawa?" She asked the class.

All the students remained quiet. Only glancing at one another and then at the seat with hesitance, almost fearful of having to sit there.

What! Why isn't anyone taking that seat? Common…anyone please! 

After a bit of silence, a person on the second row slowly raised their hands, "I'll do it."

"Oh, Inoue that's so kind of you!" responded the teacher. "But are you sure?"

Damn it, Ms. Aoi! Stop interfering!

I turned toward the source of the voice, hoping he wouldn't change his mind.

A guy with dark messy black hair, was standing up and smiling like he had just won the lottery. As if he's been waiting for an opportunity like this his entire life.

"Absolutely" The guy said with a soft smile. "It's always been my dream to have that seat."

Your dream? Seriously? Is this guy trying to become a protagonist? Because I'm happy to let him take over that role. Be my guest, buddy.

Miss Aoi nodded approvingly. "How considerate of you. Go ahead, then."

Inoue gathered his things and as he made his way to the desk at the back, he had his eyes closed the entire time and looked extremely proud of himself. He probably thought it was the beginning of his rom-com episode in life.

Haha! Screw you stupid seat! Find someone else to annoy and Inoue buddy I'm rooting for you now! 

"Okay with that handled, is there anyone who would be so kind as to volunteer to give Kurogawa a tour of the school?"

"I'll do it!" responded another person with their hands raised high.

A guy with yellow pointy hair and some freckles scattered around the bridge of his nose, who was right behind the seat that had just opened up.

"Oh? Do you happen to know Kurogawa, Nakai?"

"As it so happens to be, we are friends!" he responded.


As soon as the bell rang, many classmates surrounded me and began bombarding me with questions.

"Kurogawa, what school did you transfer from?"

"You do any sports? Our club is looking for new members."

"What prefecture did you live in?"

"You actually have muscle spasms?"

"What hobbies do you have?"

It was a relief to see how welcoming my new classmates were.

Ha~ well at least these guys are easy-going, unlike those guys from last year. I thought, remembering some students who had been a pain in the ass.

"Alright, alright, step aside everyone. Make way for yours truly, gotta show this guy around the school, your blabbering can wait until after we are done." Nakai boldly declared as he parted the crowd with his hands.

Everyone promptly moved out of the way, and I headed out of the room with him.

"It's been a minute, hasn't it?" Nakai said as he patted me on the back. "How's it been this past year?"

"Doodoo water." I responded.

"Always one with words, aren't you?" He teased at me, "one year doesn't sound like a lot, but it sure does feel like it… and I bet you still suck at Ape X."

"Keep talking trash and you're going to get folded like an omelet."

"Pfft, yeah right, with your aim?"

"What about my aim?"

"Mate you always do more damage to the walls than the enemies."


I couldn't deny it…

"Let's go pick Issei before I start showing you around alright? Then we'll take you to the spot we hang out at. It's pretty peaceful there" Nakai said.

Peaceful huh… let's hope it's true. I thought to myself.

"By the way Naoki, that talk of you having muscle spasms was all bs right? Did you purposely ask for a different seat to be closer to me?"

"Uh…yep, you got me…." I answered while averting my eyes.

Can't tell him something as dumb as wanting to avoid the protagonist seat.

"Aww you shouldn't have" Nakai said with a smile while smacking me on the back.

Soon we found ourselves in a classroom labeled D-3.

Inside Nakai approached a guy with an intimidating presence who towered over most students and had a fierce glare in his eyes.

He had rather short dark hair, wore glasses, and had a bulky athletic build.

"Yo Issei look who's back" Nakai said as he pointed back at me.

Issei turned towards the door and after our gaze met, his sinister imposing look quickly faded, and a large smile formed on his face. It's almost like watching a golden retriever light up.

"Naoki! You're here!" he said excitedly. 

The three of us walked out of the classroom and I finally began my tour of the school.

"What took you guys so long anyways?" Issei asked.

"The new kid here," Nakai said, jabbing his thumb in my direction. "Was already causing problems with the teacher about his seat."

"I wasn't causing problems, I was fixing them" I answered.

"Whatever you say buddy" Nakai said dismissingly.

"Well anyways, I'm glad you're here now" Issei said. "If Nakai hadn't told me, I wouldn't have even known you were transferring. What's up with that anyways? I couldn't contact you after you changed your phone number."

"Haha… yeah sorry about that, I actually had to change my phone and phone number after people I didn't know kept spam calling me" I responded while scratching the back of my head.

Nakai scoffed, "Wow man did you get doxed for sucking at APE X?"

"Hey! I might not be as good as you guys but I ain't that terrible either."

The two of them stopped dead on their tracks, and looked at each other like I said something crazy, before bursting into uncontrolled laughter.

"That's a good one Naoki!" Nakai said as he clutched his stomach.

Although they were poking fun at me, I couldn't deny it was enjoyable to be around these two once again.

While the two slowly settled down from their laughter I began talking, "So, where is this perfect spot of yours?"

"Take a guess, it's got a perfect view of the surroundings, smooth and refreshing wind AND little to no people go there." Issei responded.

View of the surroundings… refreshing wind… and no people… wait a damn minute…

"You aren't talking about going to the roo-" but before I could even finish my sentence Nakai interrupted me.

"Speaking of which, did you ever get a girlfriend?"

As soon as I heard the word girlfriend, those three immediately came to mind and my face grew pale.

Nakai and Issei looked surprised and puzzled by my silence, with an eyebrow raised, Nakai asked, "Yo dude, you good?" Then immediately after, he let out a shocked gasp. 

"No way… did you get a girlfriend and switch schools after she dumped you?!?!"

"I didn't get dumped, I just… remembered some painful memories I'd rather forget."

"That's right Nakai, he didn't get dumped, he probably confessed to a girl in front of everyone and got rejected and switched schools out of shame," added Issei, and the two of them burst out laughing once again.

These ass heads, with friends like these, who needs enemies?

"Don't sweat it Naoki, I'm sure one day you will get a girlfriend" mocked Issei.

"Well, you're actually in luck Naoki!" Nakai said with a grin on his face, "There's one thing this school's famous for."

"Oh you mean the beaches? Yeah, I get to see them on my way to sch-" I replied before being cut off.

"Nope. Beautiful girls." Nakai said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I groaned. "Of course."

"Don't roll your eyes on me, what's wrong with you?" Nakai said slightly irritated.

 "Don't you want a girlfriend? This school has its fair share of beauties you know? I'm sure you will find a girl that will capture your heart in no time, hell let's go visit one right now!"

"Actually I think I'm go-" but Nakai didn't even let me finish my sentence and dragged me by the collar of my uniform.

"Alright…" I answered in defeat.

We walked to another part of the school, and as we turned the corner, one classroom in particular was extremely crowded outside.

All the students, boys and girls alike, were staring inside the classroom in awe, with many of them blushing.

"She's so beautiful!" One girl commented.

"Do these people just come to stare during lunch…" I asked Nakai with a puzzled look. "I mean that's a bit disturbing…."

I couldn't really wrap my head around the fact that this seemed to be a completely normal occurrence to them.

"Take a peek inside and you'll understand" He simply replied.

The three of us blended into the crowd and looked through one of the classroom windows. It somewhat became clear why the crowd had formed.

Among the many students inside, one single girl stood out like no other among her peers.

Sitting elegantly by herself and in the middle of the classroom, a dazzling girl with bright yellow hair tied in a neat ponytail and long side bangs, with emerald-colored eyes, was simply reading a book titled 'Notes from Underground'.

It was clear she was giving it her best to concentrate on the book before her, but having a whole crowd of spectators must have made it unbearably uncomfortable.

She often gave a quick glimpse at the crowd with displeased and almost disheartened sad eyes, clearly used to the situation.

But during one of those quick glimpses, as she scanned over the multitude of students, her gaze met mine and her eyes widened in shock.

"Ah." Was the sound that her mouth seemed to have made.

It was as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her face began to process all sorts and ranges of emotions, until in one abrupt action, she stood up, scaring the people around her in the process.

Nope! I thought, immediately stepping away.

"Welp we've seen enough, let's go." I said in a hurry, dragging both Issei and Nakai away.

"W-what?! Why?!" Nakai asked, confused.

Ahh crap. I know that stare It's the same stare Nishida had that day. It's the stare of a thousand problems, I'm getting outta here.

"What's got you so worked up Naoki?" questioned Issei. 

"Nothing, I just thought we should carry on… and besides… it's disrespectful not to mention creepy on so many levels to stare at her like we are in some sort of animal exhibit you know?" I replied while hastening my steps.

"Well I suppose you are right…" 

Nakai shrugged. "Ha~ well moving on I guess" he said with a sigh, "There are other pretty girls, but I should warn you, they are… rather unique. Like Yaeko-san from Issei's class." 

"Ah. Her…" Issei said, slightly averting his eyes, "She is quite the character."

A queasy uncomfortable feeling began to build up in my stomach, after hearing them keep talking about these girls…

There can't be troublesome girls in each school can there? I might need to find out more so I can avoid triggering an event by mistake…

"...I feel like I shouldn't ask, but I'll do it anyway, how so?" I said.

Nakai began talking, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "She's rumored to be really pretty, but nobody's ever seen her face, and nobody gets too close because she's kind of…eccentric."

"What do you mean nobody's seen her face?" I asked, puzzled.

"She wears a mask," Nakai explained. "Not a medical one or anything normal… Like a full-on face mask. She claims it hides her identity and true power or something."

So she's one of those huh…

Just with that small clue, I knew exactly what type of person this Yaeko was…

"Wait a minute, if nobody's seen her face, how do they know she's pretty?" I asked skeptically.

"Someone claimed that they saw her take her mask off behind the school once," Issei replied, "And apparently, she's gorgeous. But good luck getting her to do it again. She's always spouting stuff about justice and evil demon's…"

"Yeah, good luck trying to get her to talk about anything normal," Nakai added. "But hey, maybe you'll get a kick out of meeting her."

"Nah, I'm good" I said, my mind already drifting back to the girl with the emerald eyes. "Something tells me it'd be too much for me to handle."

"Fair enough," Nakai said.

"Oh, and there's also Reina-san, the-" Issei added before I interrupted him.

"Let me stop you right there, I think imma get a headache from all the information…" I said while holding up my hands, "Let's just go back to my tour alright?"

"Sure…" Nakai replied.

As we continued walking, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling from earlier. Something about that girl's stare had stirred up old memories, and I had a nagging suspicion that our paths would cross again.

Soon enough we began to climb up some stairs leading to the rooftop.

God damn it… I thought.

I didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to rooftop's, especially over what happened in the past… but whatever, it was the beginning of the school year anyway and nobody knew me.

As soon as we stepped out, the fresh breeze of the rooftop softly blew on our faces.

Nakai with his thumbs up turned around and asked, "Pretty cool place huh? No pun intended."

The rooftop was a large rectangular fenced area, decorated with plant pots, tables, and benches. Not to mention, other groups of students were already at some of the tables.

"Our school allows people to come up here during breaks, since they realized keeping students from sneaking in wasn't working, they just gave us the freedom to hang out here," explained Issei.

"Well it's definitely a nice spot to relax," I'd add.

The rooftop had a feeling of peace to it. Groups of friends laughing together under the clear blue sky and a pleasant view of the city. It was also rather quiet. Call me idealistic but is there anything more that one can ask for than to hang out and relax with some friends in a place like this?

We continued our conversation engrossed in the moment as we walked to a spot they liked, talking about the latest games, and the things we had missed in each other's lives. 

Until a sudden voice pierced the air.


Hearing my name called so suddenly made me jump instinctively. It wasn't the first time I had been called out unexpectedly like that and it probably wouldn't be the last.

The three of us stopped dead in our tracks and slowly turned around in unison. 

Standing before us was a mysterious girl. Her hands were confidently placed on her hips, her hair blew along gracefully with the breeze of the rooftop, and she had a mischievous smile gracing her lips.

From the moment my eyes met with her glistening emerald eyes, I could tell, this girl was trouble.

"I HOPE YOU HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN THE PROMISE WE MADE 10 YEARS AGO" she yelled, and one by one, all the heads on the rooftop turned and focused on the girl. There was only one thought going through my head.

Not another event again…;-;