Hah? Promise? 10 years ago? What the hell is she talking about? I just transferred here man.
I was dumbfounded at what was happening. Not because it was such an unexpected turn of events, or the fact that the extremely beautiful girl from before was now slowly walking towards me… but the fact that it was literally, my first day of school.
This girl, who held herself with such grace and elegance, continued walking towards me. Her emerald eyes slightly slanted upwards, giving her an air of confidence.
A total beauty who claimed to know me, and yet I couldn't say the same.
I mean, I should've been able to remember someone as striking as her, especially if I had made a promise to her… But nothing came to mind at all.
All around the rooftop, people began whispering and gossiping.
"Hey, isn't that…" one student murmured.
"No way…" another said in disbelief.
"Why is she here...and why is she…"
At the same time, more students poured out from the stairs behind the girl after hearing all the commotion.
She seemed to notice the crowd forming and flinched in response. After looking nervous for a moment, she regained her composure and faced me once again.
"Yo Naoki, how the hell do you know someone as rich as her?!" whispered Nakai, his eyes wide with surprise.
"See, that's the neat part, I don't." I answered him.
"Then care to explain why Tomiko-san, one of the most beautiful girls in the entire school, is standing in front of us right now?!"
"Well, given by how she shouted earlier, she's definitely here to invite me for nice cup of tea hell maybe we'll even get some cookies while we're at it… How am I supposed to know!"
"EHEM!" Tomiko announced, clearing her throat loudly.
"Uh, yeah… sorry…" the three of us mumbled in unison.
"You can go ahead now," Issei said, gesturing for her to continue.
Tomiko took a deep breath, seemingly preparing herself mentally, then spoke again. "Naoki!"
"Yes!" I responded almost like a soldier does a superior.
"Do you…" She paused for a second, almost as if reminiscing about something, "…remember me?"
Remember her? Well let me dig through the memories of all the beautiful girls I have met all throughout my life that look like her… hmmmm…. Yup, I got nothing. Still with someone as pretty and refined as her, one must show tact, it's a well-known fact that these rich girls are quite sensitive and quick to cry if you are mean to them. So kindly and gently I must tell her…
"I have literally never met you in my life."
"Kuh!" Tomiko took a step back, grasping into her chest, as if she was stabbed by something invisible.
"Dude!" Nakai exclaimed while shouldering me from behind with a look of horror on his face.
"What? I just answered her." I replied while shrugging my shoulders.
Tomiko slowly recovered and after a bit got back to her confident pose. "So you don't remember me huh… No matter! That was to be expected, it has been ten years after all, so I just need to refresh your memory."
This whole situation was turning into a mess, more and more students continued to swarm out of the stairs behind Tomiko.
Clearly news regarding the school's top beauty spread as fast as wildfire, much less when she calls out a random guy on a rooftop.
"Ten years ago," Tomiko continued, "You and I made a promise. One that holds a lot of significance!"
What? What was this girl even saying? Making up random backstories about me that don't exist.
"We went to elementary together! Your father would bring you over so we could play together!"
Unfortunately for her the role of a childhood friend is already taken by a much more annoying girl, but I can't exactly tell her that.
"On that fateful day… you… you…" With each 'you' that came out of her mouth, Tomiko grew quieter, until she seemed to mutter something under her breath.
"What? I couldn't hear what you said!" I exclaimed to Tomiko who was now looking at the floor, whispering something to herself.
"You…" she said softly, and once again ended up whispering.
She seemed to be fidgeting around in an extremely nervous manner. As for her expression, well I couldn't really make out her expression because she kept looking into the floor, but it wasn't hard to imagine what she was feeling.
I also didn't want to drag this out any longer than it needed to be.
"I get that this means a lot to you, but lunch time is almost over you know?"
In response, Tomiko slightly tilted her head up and gave a sharp look with her eyes that conveyed her annoyance and irritation.
"I know!" she exclaimed and finally looked back up, her face was bright red, and she kept gritting her teeth.
"It's just that… it's just that!" She continued speaking with difficulty, "It's… It's too embarrassing to say it out loud…" she said in a shy voice while blushing intensely and caressing her fingers together.
Crap that adorable reaction is quite dangerous.
Everyone including Issei and Nakai also felt the shock wave of her cute reaction.
"In hindsight, it was probably not the best idea to do this in public…" she continued.
So she's also a klutz.
As much as I wanted to dislike her for putting me in a situation like this, I also understand the abrupt nature of a girl's heart.
She most likely confused me for a guy she liked and hadn't seen for a long time, and as such rushed over without thinking things very thoroughly.
I should at least try to save her from this embarrassing situation.
"Hey, um… I think it would be better to do this another tim-"
"No matter!" she exclaimed.
Oh ok.
"It would be rude of me not to carry through with this after having you called out like this."
Tomiko then looked to the ground and in a barely audible voice spoke, "And if I can't say it out loud… if I don't have the resolve to say it…"
Then, in one decisive motion, Tomiko turned her head straight, straightened her back, set her eyes on me, and clenched her fist.
With the top of her voice, she exclaimed, "Back then… on that fateful day… you told me you would marry me!!"
And so the cookie crumbles…
It was just as I feared… cliché number six… the promise of marriage.
Or more specifically, a promise between two naïve children who had yet to truly gasp the meaning of marriage. Their promise, nothing but a verbal oath held up by the union of their pinky fingers.
Regardless of the origins of such an innocent act, I think it's safe to say that most people hold it as a dear memory and nothing else. So I can't help but wonder what motivates her to feel this strongly about something that happened when she was a child.
Still, after Tomiko blurted out that last line and the jaw of Nakai hit the floor, everyone watching went wild, gasping in shock and awe.
Many female students looked on excitedly by a drama now turned reality, while the boys… well never mind them.
Meanwhile, Tomiko stood there, burning up from embarrassment and probably shame. She could no longer look at me directly and covered part of her face with her hand in a fruitless attempt to hide her emotions.
Now normally, this is where the protagonist would freak out, maybe stammer something like, "Wh-what are you talking about?!" or blush furiously. But me?
I'm used to this, I'm in my natural territory. Whereas others succumb to second-hand embarrassment, I thrive on it. All my previous experiences have slowly built up my tolerance for moments like these.
So, the only question that remains is, how to deal with this?
Sure I could flat out reject her, but she would become the talk of the school, and not in a good way. The top beauty is now a crazy girl who confessed to the new transfer student only to be rejected, and I become the idiot who committed such evil deed.
Rumors would spread, most of them bad because of jealousy and envy, and we both lose. Can't let the reputation of a beautiful girl plummet to the ground now, can I?
Well that's just the excuse I'll use to justify what I'm about to do. In the end, this is just to get me out of this troublesome situation.
So how do I deflect the attention from Tomiko to myself? And in such a way that won't be annoying? The answer is quite simple actually.
That's right, shame by association.
"Tomiko!" I exclaimed.
In response, Tomiko flinched and snapped out of her embarrassment, clearly taken aback by my abrupt action, listening wholeheartedly to what I was about to say.
All the students also began to observe intently once again and with great interest.
"I'm flattered by your passionate and sudden, and I mean really sudden proposal. But as you know, marriage is an especially important matter, so it's something I take very seriously."
I slowly began walking towards Tomiko with decisive steps.
As I got closer to her, she seemed nervous and without realizing it, took a step back.
I continued, not letting the momentum go to waste. "Marriage is a vow between two people, so if you're serious about this whole promise thing, then I need you to prove it."
I finally found myself standing right in front of her, my shadow being cast over her.
As she tried her best to look me in the eyes but failing to do so, she replied with a shaky voice, "Prove it…? How…?"
Catching her by surprise once more, I tightly held onto her shoulders and as I stared her dead in the eyes, I finally said it.
"Say that you love me."
She staggered back, and while blinking completely stunned, she only managed to get one word out, "What?"
All the girls in the crowd erupted into chaos with the excitement only growing, many wiping their eyes to make sure that what was happening wasn't a dream. It must be a fascinating scene to witness for sure.
As for the boys... we don't talk about the looks they are giving me right now.
Meanwhile Nakai and Issei looked at me like I was insane, but also showing pained expressions by the cringy move I had just pulled.
Tomiko began to steam up like a train, with her face turning completely red.
Trying her absolute best to remain composed, but clearly struggling to do so, she spoke with difficulty. "I- I don't see how that's relevant!"
"Oh it's very relevant," I continued, "Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Love is therefore a basic requirement. You can't just throw out a promise like that without backing it up. So if you want me to believe you, and if this promise really means a lot to you, then declare your undying love for me right now and in front of everyone."
That's right everyone, no need to wait 3 seasons, 4 ova's and 1 movie for a love confession! You can I have it now.
"I- well-" She stammered.
Finally we are nearing the climax of this event. I thought to myself.
"What's wrong Tomiko-san? I was sure this whole promise thing meant a lot to you."
Tomiko couldn't even look me in the eyes anymore, clearly becoming increasingly overwhelmed and embarrassed.
However this still wasn't enough, she still needed one more push.
"I see." I said to her as I closed my eyes understandingly, "It was my fault for not noticing sooner."
Tomiko looked back at me looking puzzled but clearly hoping for me to drop this whole declaration of love thing… oh how naïve this poor soul was.
I quickly and assertively grabbed her warm and delicate hands and once again looked into her emerald eyes full of surprise.
"I should've noticed that you wanted me to hold your hands."
Well that's just an excuse.
With just her face inches away from mine, I prepared myself mentally for what was to come next.
"Now then Tomiko, you can go ahead and say it."
Tomiko had lost all sense of composure.
Her eyes went completely crazy and in a total frenzy, looking at me and then at the crowd, at me and then at the crowd, back and forth, back and forth. Having a complete meltdown of emotions.
Her face was boiling up and she didn't even know what expression to make anymore. The moment had finally come.
That's right Tomiko, go wild.
In that split moment, Tomiko snagged her hands away from me, throwing any type of reason out the window.
Now the insult.
"There's no way I can say that you idiot!"
Now the wind-up.
Tomiko took a step back making a pose, ready to throw something out at me with extreme force and velocity.
And finally… the slap.
I opened my arms up wide and closed my eyes, as if I was about to greet and share a hug with an old friend I knew very well and who I shared a long history with.
Wow, Tomiko sure knows how to throw a slap as expected from a refined lady. This is probably the most pain my cheek has ever been in.
I slowly opened my eyes.
Why is… the world upside down…
And why is Tomiko holding up her leg at head level…
Oh crap.
The entire world is turning dark.
As I laid on the floor and my vision blurred, I could see Tomiko running away and covering her face with both hands.
Alright… now we can roll the credits…
"Oi!" I could faintly hear a voice calling out to me.
"Naoki buddy wake up!"
Why are they so loud in the morning…
"Alright, I guess I'll have to slap him then."
"What?! He just got knocked out."
Cut me some slack…
"Ok then you slap him."
"That's not the issue here…"
What are these morons talking about…
"Then what do you suggest we do? I'm the only one giving ideas here!"
"Alright hear me out, crazy suggestion but what if! Now I know this is a wild take, but what if we take him to the infirmary."
"I don't like the tone your saying that with…"
I slowly opened my eyes to see two figures looking down at me. Two idiots doing a comedy routine whilst I was on the floor with a swollen cheek.
"Can you guys just carry me to the infirmary already, I think I'll lose braincells if I continue hearing the two of you speak."
"You're alive!" Issei said.
"Sure don't feel like it." I responded while grabbing the back of my neck.
I slowly got up with the help of Nakai and Issei.
Everyone on the rooftop had already left, seemingly going after the school's beauty to check on her well-being.
Nakai who was holding me on the left looked at me with curiosity, "That was a crazy stunt you pulled with Tomiko you know?"
"She literally did a street fighter move on you and sent you flying!" Issei added.
"Yeah, I know, I was the one that got dropped on the floor."
We slowly made our way to the infirmary, mostly because my legs kept shaking like I was a newborn deer.
"Well now that everyone is gone, tell us how you know Tomiko?" Nakai asked, "I mean she's one of the most popular and famous girls of our school, for someone so elegant and refined as her, this is way outta character."
"Can we talk about this later, preferably when I can stand by myself."
"No." they both said at the same time.
Nakai then pointed at me.
"Don't you even dare to say you're too embarrassed to talk about this, that performance of yours on the rooftop literally gave me goosebumps."
"Yeah" Issei nodded along, "What was that all about? Why did you do something straight out of a drama?"
I contemplated if I should mention a previous experience I had with Nishida. When something very similar happened.
But in the end decided not to, the memories of that time left a very sour taste in my mouth.
"Like I said I'll tell you guys later, let's just go back to the nurse for now."
The onslaught of questions from them did not stop on our way to the infirmary.
Eventually we arrived at the infirmary, and as we got closer, the door leading inside began to open, but the careless nature of these two resulted in us bumping into someone exiting the room.
"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" exclaimed a girl with blazing red hair and a fierce glare capable of killing someone.
A girl that had many adhesive bandages all over her hands and some on her cheeks.
When I turned to look at Nakai, he was as pale as a ghost, like he had stepped on a landmine.
"S-sorry Homura-san we weren't paying attention…" He struggled to say.
"Yeah?! Well, maybe you ought to look straight ahead next time!" she said in a loud and ferocious voice that made Nakai retreat into himself like a tortoise before she continued on her way.
"Who the hell was that?" I asked.
"Trust me, you don't wanna know" answered Nakai while letting out a breath in relief.
I looked at the back of the girl who walked off with heavy resounding steps and a fiery aura.
"You right I don't want to know."