Burrower's POV
Dig, dig, dig… I dug through the soil. Drill like hands burrowing through the earth with pitiful ease.
Trail? Check.
The spirit left one visible only to the summons of master. And I followed that. Creating a path - ugh… - wide enough for the goblins to follow.
Masters orders… I reminded myself. Masters orders…
At least I knew where I was going. I didn't have to think, all I needed to do was dig. And dig. And dig. Oh! Then dig some more!
I was quite good at this. Really I am!
And how did I know that you might ask~
Well it's cause was born under masters orders. A level two monster, and basically a babe. I knew as master grew stronger so would I.
And as that happened I would get stronger and stronger. Not that being strong mattered. Nope~! All that mattered was that I could dig and dig and dig. And dig some more.
If that was to be my life the. I would be a satisfied burrower.