Inari pov

I pivoted on my feet. Let the sailing thrust hang over my shoulder for a moment. Then with a simple slash the creature fell to the ground, side bleeding out as it cried the same in pain.

"Fuck this" 

"It was your idea~" She's smug. Her smile oh so punchable. Ugh… Why did I suggest this?

As a notification rang in my ear, intoning my increased progress, leaving me that much closer to the next level. I groaned. That's why. But still… I ducked under another slash, wrapped my arm around the next's weapon and threw it to the ground. With a simple slash it bled out too.

Never ending. Never fucking ending!

Lily stood at the side, her smirk hidden as Angela stood next to her. I kicked at the ground and created distance. Another slashed at my side. I winced in pain. Then I made my way towards Angela.

"Where to?" 

"That way. It'll be a while."

"Alright. Lead then."