[Enslave] I called out in my mind. Feeling the hold over the girl take over.

It successfully took and I felt the mental connection snap together. It was different than the other times. No, it wasn't, it just felt that way. Was it because of how long it was since I had used it or was it something else.

Maybe it actually was abnormal but I wasn't going to focus on that. Instead a hint of sadism hit me. 

Intellectually I knew what she had done to me, the death she had served me and because of that I knew what I wanted to do to her.

I felt wind rush past me as she tried to attack me, yet with a simple thought she was prostrating on the ground. Her head bowed to mine.

I smirked and placed my hand over her head. For now I wasn't going to do anything to her. I had an idea.

I let my hand rest on her and with it a surge of pleasure for her. I felt her lean in for a moment before pulling back from my touch.