Burrower pov


The sounds of fire and powder ring from above. Heh- it was quite explosive, our expedition that is. I laugh quietly as my other comrades try to hush themselves. I scheme instead.

No use languishing what was already done.

No, we must look at the future, not at the past.

Ah~ It'd be such a shame if they all fell into a hole wouldn't it. Ooh I could even make a spike trap, have them fall on that. Yeah, that would be super-duper awesome.

"Hey." I grab their attention, "Follow me, I've a plan."

And I'm ignored. Well, it's not that bad. They kind of just crawl away from me, even the wolf, which is a bit disappointing. I thought he would appreciate me at least.

But no~ It's only the slime that I find companionship with. It even transforms itself into various objects that I can recognize.

"Heh- Yeah those could work but what about…"