My fingers splay against the portal. Its magnitude is grand, and its importance is even greater. One breath, two. Another and another. Until the pit in my stomach settles.

Behind me she stands. Her figure one of majesty and power. The woman who had helped with the anhilation of so many. And the one who's hands I had fallen to. She side-eyes me. Her expression one of plain hatred.

It matters not.

I'm consumed by the portal. It's grand presence taking us both and inputting us into a new and wild terrain.

I try to shield my eyes. 

Ellaine laughs. Smirks at my ignorance.

I just huff.

I barely come to her chest. My annoyance at her laughter just looks like a petulant child.

I.... I've always been small, but not this small. Not since she had... had killed me.

Hah- But needs come before wants. And so I follow her, like a child would their mother. She stalks the ground like the terrain was the most familiar.