[Naia POV]


It must have that weird taste, minerally if I had to say for certain. I remember not liking spring water. But that doesn't matter. It's water, I need water, and consequences be damned. I'm going to drink from it. Even if I vomit from both ends.

A moment. Then another. Then, as if in a spirited play, my eyes track the water. And a push of my will commands it.


But there must've been some type of error, some error in my script that had resulted in this.

I try to command my mana once more, but it's all dried out, nothing left of it. And when I look inwards, meditating on the ground, I can't find anything. I'm left with a giant headache. It hurts. It hurts so much.

But- But-

Even as my vision goes dark, I still push through. And, like a miracle, the And even just touching it, trying to feel the emptiness brought great pain to my head.