Inari pov
I waved my hand; I was sure that they'd be fine. They're the US after all. And even with their forces decimated as they had been told. It should be fine for them, right?
They have so many people and I'm sure, sure that they will be able to survive. Long enough for me to take them. To be my steppingstone.
Ah- But for now, I wait. Watching as people scattered to their roles. Some happy, others not so. But it was fine, it's all fine. Everyone has their roles, everyone's been assigned something to do. And for now, while money seemed more a distant thought rather than any real idea. We hand out food.
The slimes bounced around. Carrying on their head many plates of food. Some people gave warm smiles to the slimes. Others looked with distrust and hostility.
I can't help them. Neither do I want to.