Dawn breaks. Morning sun washes through the street of my new town. I look upon it with pride. It is mine. Built from my hands, and those that follow me. I am its emperor and soon my town will grow. From small to large, to all encompassing.

Those with time milled about. And those that had heard the news watched with awed horror. It was without warning, without time for them to process it. For my retaliation must be swift, it must be decisive, and it must be brutal.

Here, in the innermost depths of my fortress, they are safe. With so many summons and my personal eye over them. It's no wonder that they'd never heard the news of any gangs running around.

I almost scoff.

If they had, then it was by some brave soul.

But those further. Who had traveled here at the interesting news, or maybe they just came to buy or work.

They know.