Okami pov
An experiment. The creator walks, and I unfurl myself from his perch. A little habit I've started to form seeing that he's been so busy lately.
Then the ground comes. And I shape myself into a vaguely human form. It works, sort of.
But it isn't the best. I'm able to make legs and arms, even a torso. But that was all I'm able to make. The first time that the creator saw me, he had cursed and looked away.
I'd resolved myself then to be better.
A head forms, eventually. But it's cursed. Expressions form on it that aren't quite right. I've been told, again by the creator, that it's better. But still creepy.
My feet touch the ground. And with another breath - figuratively that is - I decide to copy something more simplistic for my instincts. A wolf. Specifically, that giant one, she who calls herself Ellaine.