Happily I hummed a quiet tune, following the beaten path back into the city. And with it came more and more people. Each one of them greeted me with either a bow, or for the braver, a nod.
I smiled and greeted each and every one of them back. They all were carrying supplies or weapons.
I speak, my head nodding to one of the people around me. He just politely nods back to me albeit with a stiff smile, heading off to go and do whatever it is that he was supposed to be doing.
Either a guard or a worker. Either way the city was looking up. Our forces growing stronger by the day. Their weapons and own abilities grew with each dungeon they took.
Whether it be technology or power. We are growing.
It had been a day since I had taken note of that settlement. Marking it down on the map. But right now, we are not prepared.