The room is elongated. With a chair around some greater table. I sat there. My hand holding my chin as I gaze with curious eyes.
"So eager." I spout. And their eyes turn to me. Cassandra tries to hush me. I don't back down. "Something's happened. I can feel that. And well… If I'm to just open that curtain. I'd find something truly surprising wouldn't I?"
Their eyes glare at me. Hands shaking with fury.
"You come here." One grits out. "You pretend to be this mysterious and powerful monster. And don't even give us straight answers when we ask. Then you insult us. You hold above us this pretentious air."
I smirk.
"So what~ You need me. I don't need you. The only reason I've stayed is because of her."
My thumb jabs towards Cassandra. She huffs, curly hair
"And what has that to do with anything?" Another asks. "You've stayed here too. And with our generosity."