It was when we had first started to develop. When the walls hadn't been placed, and their safety was of utmost importance. When the city slept with the thought that they were safe.
Dozens of spirits were sent, ethereal bodies floating through the streets, through the cities, and through state lines.
And one came back. It didn't have much to say. But the little that it knew, told a story that caught my attention. Something so shocking and urgent that I declared a vacation as soon as I could.
My fist clenches in my pocket. A strand of white fur that smells oh so much like mine.
Yes. There were other reasons why I was here. More than just the monotony of the city that brings me to this quant city.
The spirit told of illusions. Of a complex web of magic that seemed so familiar to my instincts. And finally, a blue fire.
It must exist.