"What to do? What to do?" I quietly mulled over as I watched the man fall back down to his knees.
He tried to get back up merely moments after I had knocked him out but since that was not enough to take him down a bit more permanently, I kicked him as hard as I could in his head.
Then again and again for a total of three times. Until finally he went down for the count.
It was quite satisfying, all done and dusted. I got to work off some of my frustrations with that skull of his and he got knocked unconscious for my troubles. Now the question really was whether I wanted to kill him or not.
To do or not to do, that was the question.
But it was quite easy, I shoved my fingers over his eyelids and with an exertion of essence, my fingers elongated and with it sharpened.
A moment later and they, disgustingly enough, ballooned in size and sharpness. Enough to bludgeon his brain to death with a couple of rough shoves.