[Lily POV]

An ethereal flame, one that crossed the void of existence in barely a crack. Yet that was not truly what it was, was it, it was not a flame. That was merely the byproduct, created by the heat of the bolt.

Yes, it was lightning, and even with forewarning, the tap of his foot, a nod of his head and twitch of his fingers. Even then, with every warning that I could comprehend I was still too slow.

As by the time I had twitched my fingers, that I had taken the time to try and move, it was already done. A burn that crossed over my shoulder and down my back, a grunt of pain as I was paralyzed and forced to the ground.

But that did not mean that I was defenseless, as with a single cast of my ability I was able to stand. I used muscles that had been barely used, all for a purpose that they had been made for.