The wall stands there. Towering above and giving us a vantage point. 

"See that..." I whisper. There's something over there. "It looks like a... guy?"

Lily nods. And we both prepare ourselves. Lily is tired, that's clear. But she still stands next to me.

But he ignores her. Focusing his gaze purely on me. My eyes narrow. Trying to see what he was thinking. Not that it's really possible.

My lips purse. 

He's short. Maybe my height at the most. And he has this... frown about him that makes me think the guy's just insufferable to be around.

Dust is fused into giant spears that fly. It doesn't work. Trying to use the dust in the air to kill him. But it doesn't work. He raises this shield of his and lo and behold, the spears bounce powerlessly off of it.

When the dust settles, and we can see him again. I find that he's smirking. His mouth mocking us with his words.

"Not going to work~ Not going to work~" He sings, childishly.