
My breath comes out in strangled bursts. My weapons fall to my side and my... my heart; It's still there. I- I should be dead but- but that girl... that fox, she didn't kill me?



I taste copper. That sickly sweet taste of blood in my mouth. My vision frays at the end and my stomach gurgles with such fervent need.

I- "Are you fine." My voice is so, so small. "You made it out, right?" Any equipment I had, including my radio, is destroyed. And all I can talk to is the nothing in front of me. Nothing but the wind can hear my pained whispers.

And- and that's fine.

I cough. Phlegms of blood fall into my hand. Crimson... crimson and black. Like a curse had spread through my heart and into my blood. 

"Hah..." I laugh. It's so hollow.

This is where I die. I know that. But- But I at least have some hope. Has she forgotten about me? Has that fox gone her way and let me be? Has she?