There was a moment of silence. Before all hell reigned loose. The king... more accurately the chieftain rose from his seat. Eyes filled with a glow of red. A tinge that seemed to grow larger and larger.

All before it consumed the room in a magnificent glow. A presence so great that the two beside me had to hold their arms up to block just the wind. And I too had to do the same. Only I was able to see through it.

The crimson red faded way to a burst of something. A high pressure blue that blew past my shoulder. The shield cracked within just moments.

But for that infinitesimal second it held. Enough for me to regain sense within my mind. To see reason and imbue myself with that orange glow once more. The room taking on a similar tint.

A battle of Orange and red. Of water and fire. My own explosions seemingly glancing past his power. 
