[Inari pov]

I writhed in pain. The feel of steel upon bone, my own. Like some sort of growth that had never stopped. Pushing and pulling within places that it never should have been. Yet when it stopped, when my soul once more felt peace.

I felt even more free than ever. The small font of moonlight that washed over me seemed to signify the death of my pain. As I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the extra tail that seemed to sprout from my back.

My back stretched, pulling the tails from their place, bushy as they were, they seemed to want nothing more than to wrap around Lily. Who in turn hugged me tighter, letting the tails do their thing regardless of the discomfort they might have caused.

"Are... are you okay...?" She stuttered out, each word leading into the next with a confidence of some scurrying rat. None at all.