Faye felt the icy wind nipping at her flesh; She knew if she could feel it with Sterling's fur cloak wrapped around her; it had to be miserable for the boy.
As she approached the carriage, Faye heard the crunching sound of the snow under Andre's stallion's hooves, tethered to the coach. She sensed like his owner; he was eager to move out, too.
The Duchess feared for Tobias's survival. If he was to continue the journey on the back of Andre's horse, dressed as he was, his life would be endangered. The thought of him freezing to death while she enjoyed the safety of the coach was unimaginable in her mind.
It was time for Faye to take charge of the situation and make her first order as a Duchess. She was going to demand that the little boy finish the journey in the carriage with her.
Faye knew if she was going to have a fresh start at life, she could no longer act timid. Especially in front of those that were under her command or servants.