Faye let out a resigned sigh as she reflected on how much Lena and the current situation resembled her step-sister Alice and her experiences at Wintershold. It felt as though she had been plunged back into a den of serpents.

Faye's head, once foggy from slumber, was now clearer. She realized she was in Sterling's bed chambers at Everton fortress. However, her memories were still obscured about what had happened to her after she fell asleep last night.

Her bandaged hands immediately alerted her to the fact that something was wrong. She longed for Sterling's presence so that she could inquire about what had occurred.

"Excuse me, your Grace," Mielle interrupted Faye's wayward thoughts.

"I will have your dress ready in a few minutes. Why don't you take this opportunity to enjoy yourself? Once we rendezvous with Lady Lena, I'm sure she will have your day packed with activities." The maid handed Faye a cup of steaming tea served on a saucer.