Faye heard the boy faintly whimper As she approached, she saw Andre carrying Tobias' small, trembling figure in his arms. The smell of sweat and horses filled the air as the knight's armor clanked with each step.

Tobias, his tiny figure, let out a shaky plea, "Please, your Grace, help me." His voice was barely audible, and it cracked with fear.

Faye raced through the keep, closely following behind Andre and Tobias toward the knight's annex. It was where the paladin's quarters were located. She helped open the door for Andre, and he laid the small boy on his cot.

Faye began her assessment, "Tobias, where did you get bit?" She asked.

"My leg." He stretched his arm toward the bottom of his leg and his finger, pointing to his left ankle. Faye pulled back the hem of his trousers, making the child shriek in agony.

"AHHHHHH!!!! He pleaded, "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH!"