"Did you really believe Andre brought that boy here to freeze to death just so he has to pay a price for it later?" he challenged, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and disappointment. Sterling awaited Faye's answer and hoped that she understood the depth of trust that was being forged between Andre and Tobias.

Sterling noted her faint smile. He felt she might have found some comfort in his words. "Together, they will weather any storm," she whispered.

"Yes, you now see what I am trying to explain," Sterling replied. "It is important for the boy to rely on his master, and vice versa. It will make an unbreakable bond. That is why you have to stop interfering."

"But what if Tobias doesn't know when to ask for help?" she questioned.

"He will learn," Sterling assured her. "Part of the training is for Tobias to speak up and ask for his mentor's help. It's a crucial skill he needs to develop. And if he doesn't, Andre will nudge him to ask."