Merrick scowled at his paladin, "Carter, I don't deal in 'most likely' I need facts and confirmation." Merrick chided. "And what in the hell are you doing here in this godforsaken thicket, no less with a dead body? You are a walking target for every Girox inside Terrewell."

Still seated atop his horse, Carter felt Dahlia wriggling in his arms and heard her shallow breaths as she attempted to cough. "We had to make a quick escape. I was planning on returning and making sure the job was finished once I was confident the women were safe." He scowled as he wiped blood from the corner of Dahlia's mouth.

A sigh fled through Merrick's lips as he stood steadfastly glaring at Carter, wondering why he had two women in tow with him, and one was dead.

He gave Carter a furious glare. "Where did these girls come from? Who are they and how did they get mixed up in all of this? You were sent there on a task, not to play house with these strumpets."