Sterling's heart flipped cartwheels in his chest, and his brow arched sharply when she mentioned having children. He felt a mix of excitement and anxiety at her remark.

In his eyes, children were a beautiful gift in this world, but also a danger to the mother who carried them. Sterling knew the risks that existed with childbirth.

He lived at Inreus long enough and had seen many infants brought here after their mother had died in childbirth and the father could no longer handle caring for the baby.

He thought about how cruel this world was.

With this in mind, he was emotionally torn about wanting Faye to carry their child.

However, there was no choice. If he wanted his lineage to continue and meet the king's command, eventually, she would have to conceive.

Faye looked up at Sterling and could see something was on his mind by the scrunched-up scowl on his face.