Hildie stared at the Duke. She could see he was becoming anxious. "Then you would have known if she was having her monthly curse. Did you ever see blood after you did the deed?"

He shook his head and responded with a single word.


The Duke watched as she continued to look over Faye and take her pulse.

Once she was finished with the exam, she sat in a chair, pinching the bridge of her nose and letting out a heavy sigh. Her expression held a mix of puzzlement and concern.

The Duke was becoming impatient and wondered what a young girl like this could know, anyway.

'wasn't she just a maid? A servant for the Barron. Why had Merrick trusted to bring her here, and how could she know what was making Faye ill.?'

The whole thing was maddening, and Sterling wanted an answer about Faye's condition.

He finally addressed Hildie in a clipped tone, "So, what have you found out? What's the matter with my wife?"