Faye held the water glass and sank back against the headboard, letting out a heavy sigh. She was not shocked by the news that Lena had attempted to harm her.

But the thought was unbearable that she tried to kill their unborn child. This was something Faye could not overlook or forgive.

She ran her hand protectively over the tiny bump of her belly. Thinking about what was at stake. 

She glanced at Sterling, sitting in his chair beside the bed, putting on his precious spurs, and inquired, "What are you planning to do about Lena?"

Watching his expression, she saw his eyes burn red with fury, and his tone was menacing when he answered, "I will no longer accept her impudent behaviour and treacherous disloyalty to this family or fortress."

"I am going to do something I should have done a long time ago."

He sighed heavily. "I am going to purge her life from this existence."