Sterling sat backwards in the chair, leaning his chin on the backrest, looking about the sparsely furnished room tower room. Pondering on what to do with the terrified woman he had been interrogating.

Before him sat Sasha, securely bound with rope to a similar chair. Shaking and sobbing. She begged.

"Please…I know nothing. Please…your Grace, I want to go home."

The Duke ordered, "Sir Proud, remove her blindfold. I want to see her eyes. It's the only way I'll know if she is being truthful."

The young knight placed a finger under the cloth covering Sasha's eyes and tore it away from her face.

Sterling saw the look of terror as he scanned her pale blue eyes, now ugly and swollen from all her crying.

She averted her gaze from Sterling's as his crimson eyes bore through her.

"Sasha! Look at me!" he said sternly. "What was Lena doing when she returned? Who was she seeing?"