Sterling offered Faye his hand and asked. "Shall we bathe and get ready together…?"

Faye nodded. "Yes, but first there is something I need to take care of." She said, "Come closer, please."

Sterling placed his body between her legs, and he watched her hands as the blue orb of Serpen's light flashed in between her palms.

Faye instructed, "Close your eyes."

Sterling squeezed his eyes closed and could feel the warmth of the light as it spread over his face, healing the spot on his forehead where Faye had singed his skin with her lips.

"There," she said, with a sense of satisfaction lacing her voice. "All done. Your head is fixed."

Sterling guffawed at her words. "I think it will take more than that to fix what is broken in here," he said, using his index finger to point to the side of his head, Making Faye giggle.